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It's Fall already!
Posted: 08 Oct 2015 Posted: 04 Mar 2015 Posted: 01 Jan 2015 Posted: 30 Dec 2014 Posted: 27 Aug 2014 All Entries |
Computers, bah humbug!I am NOT computer literate. I can use one if it does it's thing with out hiccupping. But, if it doesn't I can't make it do anything. I have a wireless keyboard and mouse. For weeks, it's been saying the batteries in the mouse were weak, did I want to replace them. I just checked the later box and ignored it. Last night, it just died. The little arrow wouldn't move. I tried hitting various buttons but nothing changed so I had to crash the computer to turn it off. This morning it booted up okay but it wouldn't go onto the internet. I had to go to work on my day off with out a Gardenstew fix. I don't know how I managed to get through the day. It still wasn't working tonight so when Dan came over I asked him to look at it. He's my computer fixer upper person. He ran a program that the DSL provider put on the computer to check for problems. Now, why didn't I think of doing it. ??? The program said it found the problem and we should reboot the machine and it would give us an answer. So we rebooted the computer and it says, You have a loose connection. Check all connections. So, Dan checked all the connections. No loose ones, Duh! So, he's sitting here musing through things in his head when he ups and shuts down the computer. When it's turned off he shuts down the modem and after awhile he turns it back on and things are now fine. He said when I crashed the computer to shut it down last night, it shut down the internet part of the modem. He just rebooted the modem and now it's working fine. There are three boxes or top of the computer desk that have blinking lights. One is for my computer. The other two were from when I was connected to the internet through Dan's cable program. There is a cable modem and a splitter. I don't need them now, but they still work Dan's computer . I never pay any attention to them. I didn't know the lights meant anything except if they are all off it doesn't work. Well, only one was out and that one controlled the internet access. So, he says check the modem next time. Okay!! So, I worked today without checking Gardenstew first. Wonder how I made it through the day! Ha,Ha!!! Have to work 8:30 to 4 tomorrow. Since there was nothing for me to do today, I got most of the books shelved so there will be not so many tomorrow. So, I will get to play with the books and move them around some more. I can make noise and drop a few and have a little fun. There is two volunteers on in the morning. One is going to shelve the fiction books. Anything without the dewey decimal numbers on them. The other will sit at the checkout desk. Our afternoon volunteer had the first baby of the New Year in Prescott, Prescott Valley area. She will have maternity leave now. The baby was due before Christmas but it just stayed and stayed. She finally had induced labor. We all thought she was going to do it on Jan. 30th. She must have decided to wait. She has two older children. A boy, almost 5 and a girl almost 2. So, now I have to quit and go to bed. Although I might see if I can finish this J.D. Robb book that I'm reading. Depends if my eyes stay open, I guess. Dooley This blog entry has been viewed 702 times
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Dooley, at least your mouse gives you notice that the batteries are low, mine just stops working. I keep a box of AA batts nearby because of that.
A mouse has batteries???? Gee you learn something new every day. I just presumed it ran off the electrical supply like the computer does - how dumb is that????
Ooo, I hate it when the battery dies in my wireless mouse :-(
Geez, I don't even have a mouse. I must admit that I have learned to love my laptop and just lie about like a lazy fool with laptop in lap and me in recliner.
Dooley so glad you got it going.I've had to do without mine for about a month and I was so lost.I was afraid you were sicker when I didn't see you on.Have a good day.
I've learned to really like using the laptop touchpad. Quirky at first but great once you get used to it.
I don't do much with computors either. I call one of my sons and ask questions or get Mike to stop by and help. wannabe
Here in rural America we are pretty much on our own. I always tell hubby the answer is right there in the computer. He says,"honey please find it." Login or register to leave a comment. |
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