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It's Fall already!
Posted: 08 Oct 2015 Posted: 04 Mar 2015 Posted: 01 Jan 2015 Posted: 30 Dec 2014 Posted: 27 Aug 2014 All Entries |
Back to normal?It's warm today so I may go out and rake up Chance's yard. DR is busy doing laundry. Yesterday, I got Christmas all back in the tubs and dr put it into the shed for another year. I don't understand though, it didn't fit into the tubs that I took it out of. DR bought two new tubs and I could use one more. I know that I didn't buy all that much new stuff. I must have packed it differently. Already I have found a few things that I missed. We moved my desk back into the living room so now I have a computer desk and a writing desk. I guess I will have to do some writing. What I have to do in the next month is pull out all the stories that I wrote about my childhood. There is going to be a family reunion in Phoenix in April. The stories have been requested for scrapbooks that are being assembled for each family. Well, the pages will be layed out for each family to take what they want for their scrapbook. I have to get some pictures together too. They need to be copied or scanned into the computer for my sister to make copies. There were seven children in my family so with spouses, children, grandchildren and steps there will be close to 80 people. I hope most of them can make it. I know Dan and Andy can make it but I'm not sure about Tom. He had to go and check his calendar. I'm going to let my sister pester him. He will come if he can and I know that Erin wants to come. So, I have lots of things to get done. But, I think that for today I will go outside before the cold rainy weather comes at the end of the week. Dooley This blog entry has been viewed 676 times
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Going outside sounds like lots more fun than any other stuff that needs doing. And you seem to have lots of things that keep you busy. I am never sure how you keep up.
Decorations are like wire clothes hangers in a dark closet and paperclips in a desk drawer, they multiply when you are not looking.
I've tried and tried to write down stories I remember from childhood but I get started and stopped so many times I don't have anything. I guess I should record them and have someone else type them. Wannabe
It would be tough to write it all down as we moved so much when I was little I get the dates and thing that happen turned around.I changed school so much I have even forgotten some off the names.Oh well I guess I will try to get some of it together for my kids to know some of the things I do have in memory. Login or register to leave a comment. |
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