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It's Fall already!
Posted: 08 Oct 2015 Posted: 04 Mar 2015 Posted: 01 Jan 2015 Posted: 30 Dec 2014 Posted: 27 Aug 2014 All Entries |
Rain and snow!It was gray and cloudy when we got up this morning. It waited until after three pm to start doing anything. It was light rain to begin and it gradually got harder. When we left for work it was raining enough for the wipers to work full time instead of intermittant. It rained fairly hard all the way to work with patches of foggy like rain where visibility was iffy. We made it okay. I was hoping it wouldn't be freezing rain going home. The temp when we got there was 37F. When I left work at 9 pm it was raining. When I got in the truck I told dr it was still raining, not freezing. Should have kept my mouth shut. It started raining mixed with snow. By the time we got to the highway it was more snow than rain. But, we come down a thousand feet in altitude so about halfway home it began changing back to rain and then quit. I shut the wipers off totally. When we got off the highway at Mayer it started to drizzle a bit and I had to turn the wipers on again. But, that's all it's doing right now. I hope it gets warm enough tomorrow to melt most of the snow up the hill. It's supposed to be rain again tomorrow and tomorrow night and Thursday. On Friday, I have a day off and we are going down the hill. It will be too warm for snow there and the rain is supposed to have moved out. We are going to Phoenix to have lunch with our friends. We have a gift card to Red Lobster and decided we would use it to take our friends to lunch. They will meet us at 12:30 so we will have to leave here by 10:30. If we leave a bit earlier we can stop at Trader Joe's. Chance needs some more of those little peanut butter cookies. I may have time to stop at my sister's. I haven't been since the beginning of December. I'm glad I got the stuff done outside yesterday but I wish I'd gotten the dead flowers waste put into bags. I'll have to wait for it to dry now. Oh, well! Next week is going to be sunny and upper 60's. Believe that when you see it. The forecast is wrong more often than not. I think I will put the extra blanket back on the bed tonight. It feels cold and it feels damp and I need to be extra warm. About time to head that way. Doolely This blog entry has been viewed 598 times
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Aren't weather forecasters great!!! How come they hardly ever seem to be able to predict weather conditions when my arthritis can tell me what kind of weather we're going to have? LOL
I don't know another profession except weatherpeople where a person can be wrong over half the time and still keep his job.
Say Hi to little Sis Dooley and have a safe trip. Wannabe
I hope you have a better day today Dooley .Do be extra careful.Our weather is really crazy here in Texas also. Login or register to leave a comment. |
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