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It's Fall already!
Posted: 08 Oct 2015 Posted: 04 Mar 2015 Posted: 01 Jan 2015 Posted: 30 Dec 2014 Posted: 27 Aug 2014 All Entries |
Beautiful day, yard work!DR and I went outside about noon. We were walking around the garden, just poking at this and that. I told him that one of these days we should lop a branch off that walnut tree. It was sticking out over the garden and in summer it will shade too much of it. DR looked at the tree and said that two branches needed to come off. He went and got his chain saw and I hooked up the electric and he cut both branches off. Of course, they needed dragged to the work yard and cut up. Couldn't leave them in the garden. One fell over the grape arbor. After we got one cut up, I ask dr if he wanted to cut up some of those longer logs since he already had the chain saw out. So we did that for about an hour and then dr dragged the other branch out and we cut that up. Of course, when we looked at the pile of wood that needed to be put back into the wood shed we wondered what ever was we thinking. The answer is we probably wasn't thinking. Who can think on a bright sunny day when the temp is in the upper 60's. So, it's all put away and we sat and had something non alcoholic to drink. We came in and dr read a bit and I sewed on quilt blocks a bit. The elephant has a brown eye and the moose has a darker brown eye. The rabbits have eyes but they aren't finished yet. We had some rabbits with red eyes, but they were white rabbits. These rabbits are brown and grey. They will probably get brown eyes. That's two and a half blocks out of nine done. Well, since I am working on two separate projects that's two and a half blocks out of about twenty. I haven't started the second one except to buy some material. I only know that both will have embroidered animals with bits and pieces added here and there. I'm thinking I needed a little more material than I bought so the second one may get a little bigger border on it. I can't add some times and I went after work on Saturday. Saturday was a really wild day at the check out desk. We had two very good volunteers but it got really busy at times and there were also three employees helping out. The registration and reference desks were busy two. Our average Saturday door count is about 200. Yesterday, we had 493. The people are allowed to check out 50 items consisting of books, tapes or DVD's and a lot of them were checking out large numbers of items. We have three computers and most always they were busy. I also had to check in the drop box cart and get all the books put away. So, it got a bit hectic at times. The hardest part was getting everyone checked out and gone by closing time. There is always one that has to have just one more book or tape. Anyway, I went to WalMart and bought embroidery thread and some material and then we stopped for a sandwich. After I sewed for a while this afternoon, I went back out and bagged up the dead plant material that I cut during the week and put that up for the trash tomorrow. There were two large bags worth. Then, I helped dr bring some wood inside to the wood bin. I put a pork roast in the roaster oven that I got around Christmas. I need to go cook some potatoes and a vegetable. I'm thinking about carrot chunks. I might add some apples and put some maple syrup on them. Other than that I think I might be through for the day. Well, other than cleaning the kitchen after and dr helps with that. So, I might get the rabbits finished later. Dooley This blog entry has been viewed 643 times
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I do hope that you are relaxing now, Dooley. Once again, a non work day for you is full of work!
Oh, how I wish we could do yard work, and am keeping my fingers crosssed for a beautiful day soon.
We are having nice weather too Dooley, but I had to work today, supposed to be off, and tomorrow Mom had a dr. appointment. I don't guess I will get much yard work done.
Much remains to be done yet. Spring has a habit of sneaking up on us. Any day spent outside is far better than sitting in front of the TV that we don't watch anyway. As for the Super Bowl, I don't follow baseball anyway.
We are having really really cold weather here. And I don't get out to do much. I didn't get anything done but cooking and dishes and Gene helped with that. I have blocks for a quilt but probably won't ever get it done. Wannabe
Wannabe, bring your blocks with you when you come and we will help you. Dooley
Always a busy busy Dooley and DR.I do wish I could have got lots done today
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