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It's Fall already!
Posted: 08 Oct 2015 Posted: 04 Mar 2015 Posted: 01 Jan 2015 Posted: 30 Dec 2014 Posted: 27 Aug 2014 All Entries |
More yard work!It's another beautiful day here in sunny Arizona. It's 70 degrees out and sunny. I've spent several hours outside in the garden and lower back yard. The lower backyard is finished until I decide what to do there. It has two apple trees that we planted last spring. It has a butterfly bush that we planted last spring. It is doing beautifully. It has about tripled in size. It didn't lose it's leaves last fall. Now there are very tiny green ones showing up along the branches. Along the alley side is the fence. DR wants to do it different. I'm hoping the cosmos and coreopsis will come back. There are a few poppies coming up and I think the little green shoots are coreopsis because that's where I cut off the old stalks. I went into the garden and raked this morning. What a pile of dried litter. It filled six black trash bags. I need to rebuild my terraces. I moved the big ties and there were lots of snails which I picked up. Oops! They are still out in a flower pot. I'd better go dispose of them or I will have to pick them all up again tomorrow. So the back is done and the side is done except for bagging up. Then, I can think about doing something out front. Yesterday, I moved all my plants out for sunshine. Maybe I will do that again tomorrow and water them good before I put them back. The geraniums lost a few leaves but they will do okay once I can put them outside again. The rosemary that I started last fall is doing good . One feels a little dry so maybe that one won't make it but since my big rosemary bush is trying to take over the little back yard I can start some more when it gets a little warmer. So, things are looking up here. I now have to take a shower, think about something to eat and go to work. Only about four hours tonight unless we go early and fill water bottles. Dooley This blog entry has been viewed 598 times
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Sounds like you got lots done today, Dooley. I wish we had warm weather, but at least we have sunshine for the first time in weeks. Spring just may be coming.
You did a good days work Dooley. I am hoping we get no more rain and when I am off next I can do some yard work.
You certainly seem to have achieved quite a bit today Dooley but then again you always do. I've never known such a busy lady!!!
Dooley we are to get 2-4 inches of snow tonight and tomorrow. It be awhile before I need to do yard work. Wannabe
I am looking forward to my days off.Tomorrow through Thus.
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