Big blue birds!
Daily Happenings | Posted:
Tue Feb 06, 2007 10:46 pm
It was a beautiful, warm day today. I took my sewing and went out and sat in the yard for about an hour. Chance was napping up by the house on her deck and it was quiet. I was listening to the birds sing when I kept hearing a bumping noise. I started to look around for it when I saw little black bits falling out of the tree that I was sitting under. I looked up and there was a big blue scrub jay knocking a walnut against a branch. It broke which were the bits that were falling. When he finished that one he flew down to the fence, sat there a minute and then down to the ground. He picked up another small black walnut and flew up into the tree with it. He repeated this several times. I quietly got up and went into the house for the camera. When I came back outside, nosy Chance got up to see what I was doing. Of course, the blue bird flew and I didn't get a picture. When I came in to make supper dr stayed out with Chance. He said the bird came back and Chance chased it and almost caught it. He didn't have the camera out there either. I probably won't get a picture of the big blue bird now. Dooley
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