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It's Fall already!
Posted: 08 Oct 2015 Posted: 04 Mar 2015 Posted: 01 Jan 2015 Posted: 30 Dec 2014 Posted: 27 Aug 2014 All Entries |
Asparagus roots are planted!I wasn't going to do anything today. I was tired last night and the damp weather has made my knees hurt some. So, we went to breakfast and stopped at WalMart and bought some yellow embroidery thread. Wouldn't you just know that on the way to the front of the store to check out we saw just the set of shelves for the new microwave? dr has to sort of rearrange the legs, etc to make room for the microwave on the bottom shelf and I have room on the next two shelves for spice bottles and jars and there is the top shelf. He's going to redo the leftover shelf so I will have room for my flour canisters. I have four different ones right now. Plus fructose and sugar. If he gets the shelf built there might be room for the bread machine, too. After "helping" dr do the shelves, I sat and worked on my quilting project. Chance wanted me to come outside. So, I went outside with Chance. Now, you know you can't be outside without doing something. So, I got my shovel and was going to just dig a space about two feet wide and long enough to plant the asparagus roots. BUT, I was NOT going to plant them today. Just dig the space was going to be enough. I came in and washed my hands and started to make a cup of tea. It's getting a little breezy and feels like rain so while I was reading the directions for planting the asparagus roots TOMORROW I decided if I got them planted today they would have the benefit of the rain tomorrow. So, back outside I went, got my shovel, looked at the space, went and got the rake. I raked it good and turned the dirt a few times and then made my trench. I put some of the composted mulch in the bottom. I arranged the roots and covered them with the three inches of soil and put a layer of the composted mulch on the top. Now, it says when they begin to show above the ground to fill the trench to ground level. Let them grow this year and next year I will have a very limited harvest. They are two year roots. They looked very healthy. Oh, dr had to make my tea. I forgot to turn the kettle off when I went outside and it has a tug boat whistle on it. It was either make my tea or listen to the whistle. It's a wonder I didn't hear it outside. You can hear it outside in the summer. I think it's about time to think about something to eat now. We've only had popcorn since breakfast. I only burned one bag before I got the direction book out to see what I should have done. Dooley This blog entry has been viewed 704 times
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Dooley - where do you get your energy? Can yo bottle it and send some to Michigan?
Dooley save a little of that excess of energy you have and when you send some to Polly then send the rest here to Scotland!!
I love asparagus, so you can send me some of that and some of our energy. At the moment I am energyless.
I am sure your asparagus roots are very appreciative right now.
I am glad you got those roots planted Dooley I hope it grows lots of aspargus.I really do love thay veggie.I know you have planned on it for a while.
Mmmm....nothing quite like fresh asparagus. This will be the 4th year I've had asparagus so I should have a good harvest this year. Can't wait! Login or register to leave a comment. |
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