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It's Fall already!
Posted: 08 Oct 2015 Posted: 04 Mar 2015 Posted: 01 Jan 2015 Posted: 30 Dec 2014 Posted: 27 Aug 2014 All Entries |
Not so busy todayIt has been cold the past week or two and I've been staying inside because of the congestion and cough I've been having. But, today was so nice. It was 70 and sunny. The thermometer said it was in the 80's but it was in the afternoon sun so it was lying. dr and I sat outside for quite awhile. We'd get up and do this or that and end up back at the table. Chance hung out with us. I took the camera out but with her keeping us company the birds stayed away. I started several different things but didn't finish any of them. I marked out where I want a new flower bed but I need to dig the weeds out and put some dirt in it. We need to sort of terrace it because it goes down the slope by the shed. I used railroad ties along the other side of the yard but I might use big rocks along the shed. We have to get some fence for it too so Chance won't get into it. dr fixed the long flower bed in the lower yard. I put rocks along the bottom of the fence. Chance was out moving the rocks when we looked. dr says now he will move the rocks and put landscape timbers there. Dumb dog! The butterfly bush is looking good. The apple trees are a late tree so probably won't get leaves or flowers until April or May. They are Newton Pippens. We just planted them last year. dr said they probably won't get flowers this year. They are doing well though. They grew about triple in one year. I didn't decide where to plant the gladiola bulbs I bought last week. I can't put them in the front. It's too shady. I put Hosta's in the front. I'm going to put Impatients in the front too. As soon as it warms up a bit more. I have daffidols about to bloom and tulips are up. I notice that something is eating on the tulip leaves and on the daffidol buds. I should get my flashlight and go look to see if earwigs are out. The rose bushes have little red leaves so maybe tomorrow I will hunt out the rose food and feed and water them. I think it's time. I can do the honeysuckle bushes too. I see the star Jasmine is getting ready to bloom too. It has yellow flowers. The chives are about three inches high. The spinach in the wheelbarrow is about an inch or two high. I see a teeny little second set of leaves coming. I was going to dig a small ditch to drain water into my flower bed but didn't do it. We put a grate over the drainage basin and will finish it after it rains and we can see where the water goes. We haven't had rain for some time. At least not enough to flood the lower yard. I cleaned the laundry room and dr put a set of shelves in one corner behind the washing machine. Then, he had to relevel the washing machine. Chance tried to help. She got between him and the washing machine so dr couldn't see anything. I had to bring Chance outside and make her sit. She does that very well. It's the "stay" that she can't quite manage. She did stay but only because I stood by her and kept saying,"stay." She hasn't quite managed "down" either. She just gets too excited when anyone comes in her territory. We're working on it though and it is getting better. I told her we bought an owl for the garden so she won't have to work so hard. She keeps the birds out. Because she doesn't get to go into the garden after I plant things they tend to ignore her. She does a good job keeping them out of her yard though. She doesn't understand she can't walk where things are planted and she runs pell mell over things or she stops and digs. We have these serious talks about it but it doesn't do much good so I keep the gate shut. We had to take the truck up for service on Friday. A 20 minute job that seems to take 2 hours. We went early and stopped at the DAV thrift shop. I bought some half pint jelly jars, a welcome sign with bears on it for the front door (maybe) and a hot air balloon for a little bear. I posted a picture of it in the member's gallery. dr bought me a turtle yesterday and I posted a picture of it too. Dan took the pictures for me. This morning when we went to breakfast we stopped at the flea market. I found two hat racks for hanging on the wall. dr is going to put them in the hallway tomorrow. One has a big turtle and one has a little turtle. Seems like I'm collecting a few turtles. I sure hope they don't accumulate like the bears do. I really need to rearrange things and get some of these bears out of the living room before we have visitors in April. Right now the computer chair is about the only one not occuppied by a bear. I don't understand it at all. Oh, well! Chance says it's bedtime. Dooley This blog entry has been viewed 592 times
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Sounds like you had a fun day, Dooley. Sounds like Chance did too, in spite of his lessons.
You got some rest and relaxation accomplished today Dooley, that is important. Chance likes to help doesn't she. She is a good dog.
I do so look forward to you blogs.Chance is a busy dog.
Now that's an unusual thing to read about in your blog Dooley - you resting up for a change!!! It sounds as though you and Chance had some fun.
I liked your Sunday-quiet. Butyour Friday sounded a bit busy. Wannabe Login or register to leave a comment. |
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