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It's Fall already!
Posted: 08 Oct 2015 Posted: 04 Mar 2015 Posted: 01 Jan 2015 Posted: 30 Dec 2014 Posted: 27 Aug 2014 All Entries |
Things are blooming!Things are beginning to bloom. The apricot trees are starting to bloom. It's a few days before they are covered but it's always nice to see them. Last year, they bloomed in February and then got ten inches of snow on them. We only had three apricots because of the cold. This year, already, the bees are buzzing around them. The trees sound like they are humming when you walk under them. Then, there is that one wee little daffidol that is blooming. It isn't very high. Guess it couldn't wait to grow taller. There are a few more that will bloom in a few days and there are more that are just coming through the ground. The tulips are coming up nicely. Only something is eating the leaves on the ones in the side yard. Not the bulb, the leaves. I suspect earwigs. I blame earwigs for everything if I can't find anything else. The grape hyacinths are coming up too. I haven't seen any sign of the hosta's but I only planted them a couple weeks ago. I looked in the garden for the asparagus but no sigh of it. The plants that were already there aren't growing yet either. It really is a bit early for it but I thought I'd look. Our last average frost date is the end of April but it's going to be in the 70's for the next couple of weeks so I thought maybe it would be early this year. Maybe not. I took all the plants back inside and covered my spinach when I got home tonight. The row of Little Marvel peas that I planted are coming up. Nice little shoots just peeping through the ground. I gave them water today. I couldn't see any swiss chard yet though. I was hoping it would get big before it got warm enough for ants and earwigs and slugs or snails. I moved a board a couple of weeks ago and found some big snails. Got rid of them. I'm afraid to pick up any more boards. I really am not fond of snails. Dan tells me there are good snails and bad snails but... This morning I stopped at the Dollar Store. I bought some things to put in a box for grandma for Easter. I also bought four boxes of flower seeds. Zinnia, marigold, mixed and allysum(?) Also, two bleeding heart plants which I planted in big pots. dr says they are poisonous so I am going to move the pots to the front so Chance won't have the opportunity to nibble on them. I dug a little of the grass out of the spot for the new bed. My knees have been bothering me and I think it's the digging so I'm trying to do it a little at a time. One of the ladies at work suggested Cherry Juice Concentrate is good for arthritis so we bought a bottle. I have taken it three days not. I hope it works. It seems like it has a little, but three days is not a fair trial. I'll keep at it a little longer. I hate taking so much pain relievers though. Tomorrow is a day off. dr says we'll do whatever I want to do. Oh, boy! He brought me a list of the yard sales that was in the Prescott paper tonight. Do I want to go to yard sales? Maybe! I got paid today. We bought several bags of dirt this week, big bags. I could fill pots with dirt. I really need to wait and see how much it takes for the new flower bed though. I need to plant the gladiola bulbs. I could put the manure blend mix on the garden and flower beds I already have and rake it in. That sounds like work. I need to clean the small bedroom. I only got the laundry room done this week. I rested on my last day off so....Maybe I will go to yard sales. It was a very slow night at the library. No one brought up the book cart from the drop box today so there will be lots to do on Saturday. I finished early so sat at the checkout desk. It was very slow. I think people were not coming because it was so nice outside. There weren't even a lot of kids. The new supervisor they hired quit before she even started work so now they have to look for another one. They are supposed to decide on the new aide for the children's room tomorrow so she can start next week. They are hiring another ass't director but that's not a done deal yet. Now, I hear another person may be moving. New faces again. I have been there almost nine months now. Doesn't seem like that long at all. Guess maybe I should go to bed and rest up for my day off. Chance and dr have both gone to bed. I'm always the last one to bed and the last one up. I wonder why. Dooley This blog entry has been viewed 582 times
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I would have truble figureing out what to do too but yards sale sure sounds good.I have three days and none are very great for yard sales so yard work and starting more seeds to get growing .I can't wait to see
Hope you have a fun day today. Sounds like you will.
Well Dooley, what did you do today. Yard sales I hope, I am sure ready for some. Login or register to leave a comment. |
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