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It's Fall already!
Posted: 08 Oct 2015 Posted: 04 Mar 2015 Posted: 01 Jan 2015 Posted: 30 Dec 2014 Posted: 27 Aug 2014 All Entries |
I didn't get much done today!I had a list of things to do today but I don't seem to have gotten much of it done. Since DR bought me a scanner yesterday, I spent most of the morning trying to figure out how to install it and how to make it work. I'm not very computer literate and Dan wasn't around today. I think I figured it out and I scanned and e-mailed two pictures to andy and one to wannabe. I hope they got them. After I finally got it all figured out I quit and went outside. I finally got that big leaf pile moved from the front yard. I put them all in a huge black plastic bag and stuck it in a corner in the side yard for now. Then, I raked the front patio area. I'd like to work on the waterfall but I know that though it's in the 80's now it doesn't mean we are out of the cold weather. I have several daffidils blooming and the tulips in front are doing well. The ones in the side yard are being eaten by something. After I came inside we went to the Dollar Store to return something and I bought a St. Patrick's Day card to send to grandma. I've been buying things to send her in a package for Easter and I found a little wind chime with pink butterflies on it. She can hang it in her room for some color. We came home and I made some popcorn and read one of the Sunday papers. The other one will wait until tomorrow. Most of the news is the same anyway. I cleaned out the little bedroom. There is still a box or two that I'm not sure what to do with. The shed is getting a bit full. Now, I have the dining room and the living room to clean up. Then, I have my quilt project to finish. But, not tonight. I talked to Andy, my youngest. He lives in Wisconsin. Then, I talked to Tom. He's my oldest. He lives in California. I talked to my granddaughter too. Tom had some good news. Kirsten and he are having a baby in August. He says things are going fine. August 15th is the due date according to the ultrasound. I wonder how it figures that out. We always counted backward when I was having babies. That was weird too. So, I'll have four grandchildren then. They told the doctor that they didn't want to know what sex it was going to be. They want to do it the old fashioned way and be surprised. I talked to my sister in Phoenix for a bit. Her husband isn't doing well and was sleeping. She's trying to get the yard cleaned. They are digging out the grass and putting in rock and then they have to have termite treatment along the house. The porch had to be replaced because it had termites. Isn't it always something? After I talked to her I made supper. Now, I'm probably going to go to bed. It's going to be nicer tomorrow and though I have to work 6-9 I think maybe I can get a bit done outside tomorrow. My peas are up and the spinach is really growing. It has it's second set of leaves now. I'm still keeping it covered up. I put some plants outside today and I didn't put them in tonight but I don't think it will get frosty. It's only supposed to go into the 40's. Guess that's enough of my day. Dooley This blog entry has been viewed 612 times
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Sounds like a busy day anyway Dooley.
Yes, none of mine hit the "due" date. Dooley
Congratulations Dooley and DR
Congrats Dooley!! Ultrasounds are weird. I thought I was due on May,20th by my calculations, but when I had the 1st ultrasound, I was off by about 3 weeks. And another thing that is weird is they always say "9 months" when refering to a pregnancy, but if you go full term, which is around 40 weeks...that's 10 months!! I don't think I know anyone who has had their baby on their "due date". Trey was a week early and I'm sure Logan will be as well.
Conratulations to Tom and Kirsten and, of course, to you and DR too. I don't think I'm ever going to have grandkids so I love hearing about other peoples.
Best wishes to Tom and Kirsten, that's great news Dooley!
Sounds like a lot to me Dooley.
Sounds like a lot to me Dooley.
Seems to me you got a lot done -- it would be for me anyway. Congratulations on the new grandbaby. I won't have any, so I always tell my friends they have to share. Going to a baby shower this coming weekend, I still have to get a gift this week.
Congratulations Dooley! New babies are always exciting. My kids were all delivered by c-section about a week before my due date each time. It is really confusing to me the way they fiqure the due date!
Dooley, when you are not busy, you are busy.
How exciting! My congratulations and best wishes to all :-D
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