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It's Fall already!
Posted: 08 Oct 2015 Posted: 04 Mar 2015 Posted: 01 Jan 2015 Posted: 30 Dec 2014 Posted: 27 Aug 2014 All Entries |
Dare I say short blog?I'll try to keep it short. It's past my bedtime. I got up early this morning. I had my tea and some cereal, checked on gardenstew and went outside to work in the yard. It was nice but I put on my jacket anyway. I put ironite on all the trees, roses and shrubs. There was an ironite place up the road in Humboldt but it quit last year and they gave all the employees the ironite that they hadn't shipped yet. A friend of Dan's worked there and he gave me two 40 pound bags. So, I put that on the plants and watered it in good. Then, I watered all the flowers and what is left in the garden that the birds haven't eaten. That took most of the morning. We stopped and went to the post office and the bank. I got another garden catalog but they have me mixed up with someone else because I can't afford their prices. Threw it in the trash can so I wouldn't even be tempted. I ate a bagel when we got home and then went and started putting those plants in pots. I filled 14 pots and one small square bed. I planted petunia's, pansies, alyssum, dianthus and baby snapdragons. I had 12 paks of six flowers each. Dan came to help me burn a disc of the family pictures that I've been scanning into the computer. Somewhere along the line I got a wrong box checked because instead of being in jpeg they are saved as bit maps. Dan says Andy will be able to change them. So now I need to get a mailer and send them off. I didn't reduce them in size so I decided not to e-mail them. Andy said to make a DVD slide show they needed to be big anyway.After we finished that, I finished the flowers. I had to come and shower and change because I had to be at work at 6pm and we had an errand to do first and then we stopped and had a piece of pizza at Costco. We had to buy some dog food for Chance too. Not canned, but dry. It was very busy at work tonight. That was to make up for how slow it was last week. I didn't get everything finished. I still had large print books to do. I did adult fiction and paper back books twice though. They just kept filling the return box. We couldn't get them to leave. I had to tell that last man that he was getting locked in because I was locking the door now. He left. We stopped and bought ice cream to go with our strawberries left from last night. I resized the pictures and loaded them to gardenstew and now, I'm going to send Chance to bed and then I'm headed that way myself. Dooley This blog entry has been viewed 719 times
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After all that yard work it would have been nice if you'd had a quieter night at work. There again, if you're kept busy time passes quicker.
Bitmaps, ouch! Very large :)
You over done it again.You had to be so tired when you went to work.I am so sore this morning I can hardly move today so I know you have to be.
Gosh Dooley, aren't we supposed to slow down as we get older. Maybe that means we aren't there yet. Login or register to leave a comment. |
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