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It's Fall already!
Posted: 08 Oct 2015 Posted: 04 Mar 2015 Posted: 01 Jan 2015 Posted: 30 Dec 2014 Posted: 27 Aug 2014 All Entries |
I'm glad it was SaturdayI'm glad it was Saturday. I have a day off tomorrow. I work seven and a half hours on Saturday and today it was busy, busy, busy. The school system had an arts and crafts show with things the kids made in class all year. There was music and a fife and drum corp and a band and choir. All school kids. Of course they were in and out of the library along with parents and friends. When four o'clock comes there is normally a few people left that we have to shoo out. Today, we had to shoo out a lot of them and they kept trying to come in as we were locking the doors. Next Saturday we aren't going to open until noon because we have a seminar on teamwork from 8 to 12. That should make a few people unhappy especially the ones who are waiting at ten am to use the computers. dr didn't go today. This rainy weather has him under the weather. His allergies are bad now, too. That mulberry tree has pollen but it wasn't open enough for the rain to make it drop. Maybe next week because we are supposed to have rain on Wednesday. My knees have been hurting some, too. It rained most on Thursday, but Friday was messed up by it too. I don't remember what I did on my Friday off and it was only yesterday. I guess I'm a bit tired. I was sitting here trying to play a game and I kept getting zapped because I was falling asleep. I finally quit and went and worked on my quilt project. It's embroidery. I didn't even go to sleep and stick my finger. I'm thinking about going to bed when I finish my tea. dr has gone to bed and Chance is sleeping by my chair. If I go to early I wake up in the middle of the night or wee early hours of the morning and can't go back to sleep. I mailed grandma's Easter package yesterday and finished the picture disc and sent it to Andy. I hope he can figure it out because it looked like a mess to me. I have my pots of plants inside and I covered my spinach. It's just to yucky outside right now. If it gets sunny I will move them back outside tomorrow. I'll have to walk around tomorrow and see if anything else has come up. I noticed that since I fed the trees that the apple tree is getting some flowers. It's too bad that I will have to pick them off but the tree isn't big enough to support apples this year. The butterfly bush is getting new bright green leaves. The arborvitae that Pondlady doesn't care much for has flowers. I really never noticed that they even had flowers until she posted a picture of them and sure enough there was flowers on them when I walked by yesterday. The lilac bush has buds showing purple. The rose bushes are greening up nicely and I saw a flower bud on one of them. So, I'd like my sunshine back so we can have spring to enjoy what is now growing. Dooley This blog entry has been viewed 640 times
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Oh Dooley, I know what you mean about being tired, WalMart is trying to kill me. I have to work 8 days in a row every other week since I have someone on rotation with me. And I can't go to bed early either bc I do the same thing.
Sounds like a very busy day. Hope you get some sunshine today. We could use a little of the rain you got. Hope DR feels better. Pollen is bad down here right now too. Yellow all over the cars. Enjoy your day off. Login or register to leave a comment. |
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