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It's Fall already!
Posted: 08 Oct 2015 Posted: 04 Mar 2015 Posted: 01 Jan 2015 Posted: 30 Dec 2014 Posted: 27 Aug 2014 All Entries |
Know How You Always Expect The Worst!Know how you always expect the worst when you go to a doctor. Last night when I was getting ready to go to work I twisted my knee while I was getting into the truck. It hurt like the devil and I felt like getting out of the truck and going back inside. But, all at once it quit hurting so I went ahead and went to work. I had to sit at the reference desk at first and it was okay. Then, I put the books in order and started shelving them. The more I did, the worse my knee hurt. I took some pain medication which didn't help at all. Finally with encouragement from co-workers I quit and came home. Had one more cart of books left, at least. I felt a bit quilty for not staying to finish. I thought with another half an hour I could get it done. The reference desk lady then felt guilty because if I hadn't subbed for her so she could have supper I would have finished. Well, maybe I would just have left that much earlier.I put ice on my knee when I got home and went to bed early. Couldn't sleep. Pain every which way I tried to position my leg. Finally drifted off only to wake because I moved my leg while sleeping and set off the pain cycle. This morning after a cup of tea and a leftover blueberry muffin we headed up the hill to the urgent care clinic which is associated with the clinic where I normally go to the doctor. I dreaded going to the doctor. All sorts of visions were going through my head. I do have arthritis in my knees and have been having some problems associated with my gardening and yardwork. I thought it was the digging that was doing it. dr dug the hole to plant the new butterfly bush. I thought it was the arthritis that was the problem now and he would say that I needed a new knee or would have to quit work (which I like) or something equally dreadful which I'm not sure what that would have been. Anyway, after a "short" wait (is any urgent care wait short) I saw a doctor. Not my own, but an equally nice one the verdict was not so bad as my thoughts of it were. I pulled the ligaments in both sides of my right knee. It will take a "bit" of time to heal but I don't need a "New" knee yet. I have a nice black neophrene knee brace to wear during the day. It feels a bit weird and tight. The doctor said it will collect the fluid on my knee and make it be absorbed easier. It will provide support to keep the knee from twisting side to side. I will have a "pillow" splint at night to keep it stable. Using a pillow, shape it into a U lengthwise. Add an ice pak both sides and tie it to keep it in place. That doesn't sound too bad except for the ice paks. Doesn't he know cold is a bad word to me. Still, I suppose it will also help with the swelling. Three of the pain medication, twice a day. Now, the part that affects the gardening projects and working at the library. NO squatting,NO stooping, NO kneeling, NO ladders and or NO stairs. Now, how do you garden without getting down on your knees, crawling along pulling weeds or digging in the dirt to give the plants some breathing room. I have already put a lot of plants in pots. He didn't say no lifting. He probably just didn't think of it though. Oh, well! dr says he will finish the garden projects that I have started. He doesn't think I should start any new ones for awhile though. After I finished at the doctor I went over to the library to see the director about having some time off. He was very nice about it and though I did not have a definite time period for being off was willing to work it out. He'll ask for someone to work for me while I am gone. I told him that I probably would not be able to shelve books on the bottom shelf anymore but could do the rest if a volunteer could be found to do the lower shelves. He suggested that maybe I could do the desk for awhile when I come back, too. He did wonder if I could come to the seminar on Saturday morning as the city manager has more or less made it a mandatory thing. It's all sitting so I think I can do that. dr says it's a give in the give or take of things. They are willing to give me time and I can give them things I can do. I was really worried about not being able to work anymore. I would miss it because I really like library work. I think if I were younger I would pursue more schooling for library work. So, to Mary, I would say if you can still do it, GO FOR IT. Everyone wonders how I can do the same thing every night without becoming bored with it. So, putting the books on the shelf might be boring if I let it become so but everynight it's different books. I meet different people and check out different books. I get to know each book and where it goes and who reads it. It's not a boring job to me. I would have missed it if I could not do it again. So, I had good news though I expected bad news. I still have pain and probably it will never totally go away. Twinges will haunt me now and again. But life could be MUCH worse that it is now. I have dr and the flowers will still bloom, just with less care. Dooley This blog entry has been viewed 728 times
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Very glad the knee injury didn't require any kind of surgery. A few days off the knee and you will be darn near as good as new but I know you will miss the gardening.
Isn't it nice it wasn't more serious? Be very good and take it JUST like the doc said even when you are freezing from the ice. Read a good book. Get better.
Hope it heals soon Dooley, I know what you mean about regrets too. If I had finished college this would be my 30th year teaching, which means retirement. But now I have to work forever. Take it easy for a while and let that knee heal properly.
So sorry to hear of your injury Dooley. Please do as the doctor said. Those ligaments will take a fair bit of time to heal.
What impressed me was that when I met the library director, he said, "We will work it out so that when you come back, some volunteers will be able to shelf books and we will find a desk for you. These are great people. They do not want to lose her. I can understand that for sure.
Sorry to hear you injured your knee Dooley, but glad it was not as bad as you thought. Do take care and do what the doctor says, so your knee/ligaments will heal properly. Sounds like you work for some good people who care about you. Hope you have a restful night's sleep
You be good to that knee, Dooley!
Dooley did he tell you to use a cane or a crutch?When my knee really hurts I get kind of "unstable? Be careful.
Thanks for all the good wishes and cheer. I dug out the walking stick that dr made me when I had surgery on my other knee in '96. It's from a mesquite branch. So far, so good. dr made spaghetti for supper. dooley
Hope you're knee if feeling better soon. Take it easy and don't overdo.
I'm wishing you to get well
oops Well soon.
sounds like a good time to kick back and enjoy the flowers and budding trees!!so sorry for the injury Login or register to leave a comment. |
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