To bed I go!
Daily Happenings | Posted:
Fri Mar 30, 2007 4:23 am
I am going to go to bed. I think Chance and dr gave up but it's still early compared to when I usually go to bed. I stayed in my recliner most of the day except for riding to the post office and stopping briefly at the library for a book. Wouldn't you know I usually have a dozen books checked out and when I really need one there is none. I wore the brace all day and took the pain/anti-imflamatory today and my knee feels better. dr says I am walking better. He has some errands to run tomorrow and I will go along for the ride. Saturday morning I have to go to that seminar on teambuilding in the morning. The director says it's all sitting or will be for me. dr will go to the flea market and then pick me up about one. We'll see how that goes and decide how many more days I need to "rest" my leg. Got to go have dr put the pillow splint on it and go to bed. Thanks for all the good thoughts. Dooley
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