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It's Fall already!
Posted: 08 Oct 2015 Posted: 04 Mar 2015 Posted: 01 Jan 2015 Posted: 30 Dec 2014 Posted: 27 Aug 2014 All Entries |
The lost needle!I've been doing embroidery on some quilt blocks. On Wednesday evening, I was threading the needle. I am using three strands of thread and one strand wouldn't go through the hole in the needle. I was holding the needle in my right hand and the thread in my left hand. Using my left hand, I brought the thread up to my mouth to moisten the strands so they would stick together. I then proceeded to try to push them through the needle. EXCEPT the needle wasn't there. I know I was holding it when I moved the thread. I searched my lap, the chair and the floor. dr brought my magnet and we searched my lap, the chair and the floor. We looked on the end table. I know I never moved my hand and it took only seconds to moisten the needle. Thursday, I got out the big magnet and searched again. I even ran my hands down the sides of the chair. dr lifted the chair and I ran the magnet under it. No needle. I still haven't found it. It was in my hand, my hand never moved, the needle was gone, completely. Today, I searched the cuffs and pockets of the robe I was wearing and ran the magnet over it. No find. Someone is another demension is using my needle. Only explanation. I went to the library this morning to pick up the papers that I need for the seminar. Then, to Michael's for black embroidery thread. You can't make a penguin or panda bear or a tiger without black thread. dr ran a couple of errands and we came home. My knee was a bit swollen again. The library director called and said bring a pillow and I can have two chairs so I can put my leg up. Pain is gone unless I move too fast or too something. I sat with ice on it while I sewed this evening. I'm off to bed as morning comes early. Have to have dr help with that darn pillow splint, too. Got to send Chance to bed. she's been sticking close. She doesn't understand the change in routine. Dooley This blog entry has been viewed 723 times
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You take care of yourself Dooley..don't do too much too fast!! Keep that ice on there as much as you can. make sure you don'tsit on that needle...that would definately make you move a little too fast!!!
I really hope you find that needle Dooley. I hate to lose needles and pins around the house in case they get picked up by pets.
Everything is moving so fast on here I almost missed this blog .I do hope you don't step or sit on that needle.
I think Chance stole your needle Dooley. Or no come to think of it have you been keeping an eye on the gnome? Login or register to leave a comment. |
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