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It's Fall already!
Posted: 08 Oct 2015 Posted: 04 Mar 2015 Posted: 01 Jan 2015 Posted: 30 Dec 2014 Posted: 27 Aug 2014 All Entries |
Dreary day!It's been so sunny and pleasant here this week but today was overcast and dreary looking. It was warm, near 80 but no sunshine. After working all day yesterday, I didn't do much today. We need to go shopping tomorrow. I did have a staff meeting at the library. It was postponed until next Friday so I won't be able to go as I'll be in Phoenix on Friday and Saturday. Don't exactly know what we'll be doing. I talked with Andy last night. They'll get to Phoenix late on Tuesday. They'll come up on Wednesday and then on Thursday, they'll spend the day with Wendy's Aunt Mary. Friday night it's pizza at Chucky Cheese's for all the kids. Grownups, too. But mostly for the kids. They should enjoy reunions, too. Saturday is up in the air since my sister just had the hernia repair. A cookout is planned and the weather is supposed to be sunny and 80's. I haven't finished typing the stories I was supposed to have done. I've been doing things outside and working on the quilting project and reading. When I found I was going to be home for a couple of weeks I ordered a lot of books through our county library system. We can order books from any library in the county and they are delivered by courier to our library. I was hoping they would come one or two at a time but there was 12 when I went yesterday. I read the new Maeve Binchy book called Whitethorn Woods. That was quite good. I enjoyed it. Now, I have a mix of romance and thrillers and a couple fantasy. I don't usually read fantasy but wanted to see what this author was like. Not sure I'll order any more of it. Yesterday, the compost fairy left a pile of compost by our front gate so with buckets, dr and I moved it around all the trees and bushes and flower beds. I was tired and my knee ached so today the only thing I did was dishes and a bit of reading and some work on the quilt project. I'm going to go to work Monday, 6-9 pm. There will be another staff person there to help and the manager said I could leave early if I needed to do it. Actually there will be five other people there but the one has been filling in for me and she will be there all next week because I had planned on being gone some of the days. I will only work on Monday and Thursday. I found another hosta today so that's two out of ten that have come up so I'm hoping the others will be along soon. I, also, found one gladiola so the other 39 may be just waiting to come up. The birds have been eating the little flowers off as soon as the appear. They don't seem to see that owl sitting in the middle of the area. So far no more asparagus has emerged and I did water it yesterday. I only have a small patch from before so I can't pick it all. Maybe one more time. Otherwise it won't come back next year. I cut the big squash today and took out the seeds. There is a whole cookie tray full. I have to send some to Tom and some for myself and some to send to friends. If you don't remember the big squash from last fall I'll recount the story. I planted about 40 squash seeds last spring and they all came up. But, the birds and bugs apparently don't like squash because they didn't eat them. As I have limited space they were pretty mixed up. There was zucchini, yellow crookneck and one called butterstick which is a straight golden zucchini like squash. All summer varieties. Well, of course they cross pollinated and I had some pretty weird looking squash. They all tasted just fine though. Tom wanted me to let some grow and save the seeds. He thought it would be interesting to see what kind of squash grew from them. So, I let two grow. One I have misplaced. It was in the laundry room but when I cleaned the laundry room it wasn't there. It either got threw out with the trash or put in the shed with other stuff. I hope it's threw out with the trash. I'd hate to find a smelly squash in the shed but maybe it's dried up by now. I guess I should really go and look. Anyway the squash was about two foot long and a mix of golden yellow and a dark green. Tom says we should get some yellow, some green and a mix of both of them. If you would like a few seeds let me know. I can send a few until I run out of them. Time to go now. Dooley This blog entry has been viewed 660 times
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Dooley ,ill give ya a little sun for some of that warmth!
You know me Dooley I'll try a few of the squash.It should be really interesting to watch them.
Oops hit the summit key by accident.I know you will enjoy your family so much.Do enjoy everything you can while they are there.You deserve to have a great time.
Enjoy your family reunion Dooley, I know it will be a great time for all. Can't wait to see the results of your weird squash. Login or register to leave a comment. |
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