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It's Fall already!
Posted: 08 Oct 2015 Posted: 04 Mar 2015 Posted: 01 Jan 2015 Posted: 30 Dec 2014 Posted: 27 Aug 2014 All Entries |
Friday thru Thursday, long weekLast Friday, we went down to Phoenix for the first of a two day family reunion. We toured the science museum, one floor out of four anyway. It was hands on displays and the kids loved it, but grownups went deaf, those who weren't already that way when they arrived anyway. Then we went to The Kiddie Casino, Chuck E. Cheese's for pizza and kid fun. On Saturday Andy and I tried to teach Ben how to play Scrabble. He quickly decided that he and I playing against his dad was a bad idea and he wanted to be on his dad's side next time. I very, very seldom win a game against any of my boys anymore. Ben wanted his dad to go easy on us but we still lost 410-267. We went to my sister's in the afternoon for a picnic. We stayed at her house instead of going to a park. Everyone had a great time. Ben and Jacob went home with a mild sunburn to show that they spent their springbreak somewhere other than Wisconsin. On Sunday, I rested most of the day and finished a book by Danielle Steel called, "Sisters." I probably watered the plants that hadn't had any water thru the weekend, too. I went to work on Monday night. It was a busy day and there were many books to put away. I didn't get finished. I can't do the books on the bottom shelves anymore. I discussed this with the circulation person and I'll just leave them on a cart for the volunteer. Tuesday, it wasn't so busy and with the help of the circulation person finished everything and my knee didn't bother me too much. Wednesday was busy but I managed to do most of it with the help of a volunteer. She was younger and her knees aren't bad yet. Thursday, there was a lot to do and I didn't get finished. Today, we went up the hill for breakfast and looked for some yard sales. We didn't find much and I'm not surprised. It was cloudy and windy. Thunderstorms are predicted for tonight and tomorrow morning. But, we did find one or two and dr bought some things. Then, we stopped at one coming home and bought a couple of things. I bought a round tray marked WmRodgers. dr says it's silverplate. But, that's okay because I only paid a dime. We went to Spring Valley which is a town smaller than Mayer down the highway about five miles. They had advertised a town wide yard sale for Saturday but there was a moving sale listed in the paper so we were going to go to it. We never did find the moving sale, but some people jumped the gun on the Saturday only sales and there were perhaps a dozen or so. We did pretty well on those. I'll try to get a picture of my finds on Sunday. I was tired when we got home so didn't go back outside. I got two brass planters, one big and one small and a hanging basket holder, macrame type. I bought a corner shelf that matches the outside color of the house and there was even a corner for it. Except there is a hollyhock growing in front of it so whatever I put there won't show much or get much sun. Maybe only ornamental things will go on it for now. In between work and other things, I managed to get those roots planted in a big pot and trimmed a rose bush that was in a pot and only part of it made it through the winter. I added more potting mix to it and gave it a drink of vitamin B water. I watered the new rose bushes and the new butterfly bushes with Vitamin B water too. I bought 10 African Daisy plants on Thursday when we were on the way to work. They are purple and white and we decided we are going to put them in the new flower bed. dr says he will get that finished on Sunday. We have to put fences around our flower beds because Chance thinks we are digging in the dirt to help her out and digs in it too. She can't go in the lower yard now until dr has time to fix the fence because she broke one end chasing a cat. Darn Cat! Didn't belong in there either. I had two hostas come up out of 10 that I planted. Maybe others will still come up but I found a stray cat laying on top of one of them. I had to put big rocks around it to keep the cat off. It was in the yard when we came home this morning. I don't know who it belongs to. I counted 29 glads up now so yesterday, I raked the area and loosened the soil and watered them good. Maybe some more will come up. I planted 40. I have seven asparagus plants up now out of 10 so maybe the others will come. I need to water those again. Probably on Sunday. I finished my quilt blocks and started working on the backing. I was measuring the material and deciding how to do the backing only it was longer and hung over and Chance laid on the end of it. I told her she wasn't helping things. I'll have to get it done while she is outside. I have the batting so I should be finished with that project by the end of the month. But, I sort of told my daughter-in-law that I would make the boys quilts for Christmas. That may mean that I should make one for my granddaughter, too. I thought I would try to make a Greenbay Packer quilt for Ben and Wendy said Jacob likes dinosaurs. Yikes! So, we shall see what develops there. Tomorrow is my first Saturday to work in four weeks so I hope I make it through the day. My knee hurt last night after only three hours but I think I didn't sit at the checkout enough. There is a volunteer to help tomorrow so it should be better. I hope so anyway. I went on the internet and found a series of exercises to strengthen my knees. I will start those on Sunday and see if they help it. I do have an exercise bike and it said that should help, too. Just a slow start and not to hurry it. Guess I've rambled enough and I should get things ready for morning before I head off to bed. dr bought a Yamaha keyboard today so he's trying it and Chance is singing along with it. dr now has two keyboards. I hope it isn't the start of a collection. I found a small turtle today for a dime. I now have at least 10 turtles. I suppose that's how it starts. Another bear moved in today, too. Dooley This blog entry has been viewed 678 times
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funny how collections start,
I will be waiting to see your pictures of all you bought.
You've had a busy week Dooley. Chance is such a big helper, just like mine. They are always ready to help with the things I don't need them to help with. LOL Login or register to leave a comment. |
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