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It's Fall already!
Posted: 08 Oct 2015 Posted: 04 Mar 2015 Posted: 01 Jan 2015 Posted: 30 Dec 2014 Posted: 27 Aug 2014 All Entries |
Another week gone!I was sitting here thinking another week is gone and a new one is starting. I realized that another month is gone too. May is going to start on Tuesday. Four months out of a new year are already gone. Did I do anything important or memorable? Not to anyone but myself, I guess. I had another birthday. I think that was good. Not having another one isn't so good. I saw all three of my sons in the last four months. I saw all of my grandchildren in the last four months. Those things were all good to me. Wannabe came to visit and I saw my sister in Phoenix several times. I guess seeing family is important. I'll have a new grandchild before the summer is over. That will be a memorable thing to me. Memories are sort of personal, I guess. They mean something to you but not much to someone else. Glenda has some memories that were made this week with the birth of a new grandchild. We all cheered and were happy for her but down the road will we remember it. What will we remember about this year. I injured my knee and it's been more than a month with some everyday pain. It's getting better, but I guess I will remember hurting it. But, will I remember when I hurt it or how? How? I guess I will remember that part. dr tells everyone I blew it out playing football. I don't remember that part. I've never understood the rules of most sports. Baseball is the only one I could ever follow with ease and I don't follow it since there got to be too many teams to keep track of easily. I liked it when there were eight teams in each league. Anyway, another week has started and it will surely be better than the last one. A friend and coworker died and made for a glum day at work yesterday because at this time last week she was feeling okay.A sudden illness took it's toll very quickly. We will miss her at work. She worked my hours for me when I was off because of my knee injury. She was looking forward to two days in a row off. She will be remembered by many people, I think, as a cheerful person who always smiled. A good person to know. A new person started at work this last week, too. She is young and has three small kids. She is trying to save money for a house. They've outgrown their two bedroom apartment. Her husband watches the kids while she works 20 hours a week. She's always smiling too. She's made my week easier by sharing the load. So the old month has memories good and not so good. I hope the new month has more good memories for each of us. But if we have not so good ones, we will cope with them because we are strong and we are happy. Okay, enough of that. Have a good week! Dooley This blog entry has been viewed 807 times
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So sorry to hear about your friend at work passing away Dooley.
Dooley i can relate.Im so far from home,not really but 6 hours might as well be a diffrent state. Four months into the year,what have i done that has meant anything,changed someone's world? I don't think i have.
Home to us has been so many different places and each one carries special memories. Home to me is whereever Dooley is.
Home is where you have someone to love you, warts and all. Maybe they just don't see the warts. Wannabe
Sorry about your friend Dooley. A passing is never easy, but it is part of the ritual of life.
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