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It's Fall already!
Posted: 08 Oct 2015 Posted: 04 Mar 2015 Posted: 01 Jan 2015 Posted: 30 Dec 2014 Posted: 27 Aug 2014 All Entries |
More plants and a little excitement!dr asked me today if we could stop buying plants. I have quite a few more pots I could fill so I'm not sure if I can stop buying plants or not. Yesterday we went to breakfast and then stopped at Home Depot. I bought a pink lemonade honeysuckle bush/vine. I planted it on the fence where morning glories were last year. I was thinking it wouldn't grow so much this year and next year I could move the morning glories. (yeh, right) We bought some tomatoes. Three bigger ones, a yellow pear, an early girl and a green zebra stripe. I've never had a green zebra stripe tomato. It says it's a yellow green tomato with darker green stripes. Very sweet and quite prolific. Okay. Then, we got a six pak of Celebrity tomatoes. Today I planted each big plant in a pot. Tomorrow dr will plant the six little ones in a space in the side yard where I have a few herbs. I also bought two small lemom verbana plants because I had them at another house and the smell sooooo good when you brush against them. These are very small so I put them in pots to get them started before the stray cats lay on them. I bought some snapdragons which I put in pots. That's all for today. I did water the rose bushes and seeds that I planted last week and the new asparagus. I also discovered that I don't need to water the plants in the pots every time I walk past them. I think I drowned some of them. We'll see. Maybe when it gets hotter they'll need more water but for now they need less. It was a very busy night at work. They were short of people on the day shift and there was a backlog when I got there but you know, there were only about two dozen books left when it came time to come home. Having another person to share the load is good. We still all do the various jobs that need to be done but it gets done more quickly. But, one of the full time night people is going on days so we'll see how we miss her. Coming home we almost got caught up in a high speed police chase. Coming down the long hill from Prescott Valley to Dewey a lot of police cars with red/blue flashing lights and sirens passed us going very fast. As we topped a small rise just before the first stop light there were police cars all across the road and a policeman was waving a red light. I couldn't decide what he wanted me to do so I stopped back from the red light several car lengths. No one was in front of me and the light was red. It's a good thing I stopped back from the red light because those police cars were parked across the road because other police cars were chasing someone and they were trying to block him. But he went off the shoulder and up over the curb and cut right in front of me and went on up the highway. Three or four police cars were right behind him and quicker that you could blink the ones that were parked across the road were turned around and following them. The policeman who was waving the red light was in his car and off up the road lights flashing and sirens blaring. In the next few blocks several more police cars passed us going the direction of the person they were chasing. I hope they got him stopped before he got into the city traffic. I'm VERY glad I was confused about why the policeman was waving that red light and what he wanted me to do. It kept me from pulling up to the red light. I know now that he wanted me to turn right and get off the main street but it all happened so quickly that I hadn't figured it out. So much for the nights excitement. Guess I'd better go and see what else I can get into before bedtime. Dooley Last edited: Tue May 01, 2007 5:24 am This blog entry has been viewed 885 times
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Oh Dooley these husbands of ours just don't realise that we're all plataholics and simply CANNOT stop buying plants!!! Just tell DR that the withdrawal symptoms are horrendous and that it's so much easier just to let you have all the plants you want.LOL
Dooley, I told hubby I wasn't going to have so many pot plants this year and it's of course turned out to be very untrue. We are gardeners caught up in the mystery and beauty of growing things.
I have barely started buying plants so myhusband has yet to say a word. Actually he handed me a list from a catalog and had me order more.
Stop buying plants, is that possible. Only bc I have more than I can keep up with now.
It would be hard to stop buying plant if not impossible.Most of my plants were started from seeds except about 10 or 15.
Oh I'm glad ya'll didn't get hurt in the big chase. Login or register to leave a comment. |
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