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It's Fall already!
Posted: 08 Oct 2015 Posted: 04 Mar 2015 Posted: 01 Jan 2015 Posted: 30 Dec 2014 Posted: 27 Aug 2014 All Entries |
Remember the excitement from the other nightIt was in the paper today. The high speed chase that we almost ended up being mixed in was two 15 year boys who stold the car in the morning. A man left his keys in it and went in to buy some mints and cigars. When he came out his car was disappearing down the road. The police soon spotted it and gave chase up to 110 mph until the morning traffic became too thick and they gave it up. In the evening, a DPS squad spotted it coming north on I-17 and gave chase at 100mph. They left the interstate and proceeded north on Hwy 69. We were going south on the way home from work. The paper said they were doing 100 mph when they went through the intersection where we were waiting to see what we should do. At this point there were about 12 to 15 cars chasing them. They went through Prescott Valley on Hwy 69 doing this speed. They made a right turn onto Glassford Hill Road and made a u-turn and started back to the highway and the car ran out of gas. They were immediately surrounded by all types of squad cars. Now, they are sitting in the jailhouse facing all sorts of charges beginning with car theft. What do you bet that man didn't learn anything and will leave his keys in the car again? The boys might never become eligible for a driver's license. They must have been good driver's though or one of them was because he didn't hit anything and he had to weave in and out of traffic and elude those policemen.I'm just very happy that nobody (and that includes us) was killed in either of the chases. Dooley This blog entry has been viewed 608 times
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That's starting to sound like a tv programme Dooley. Very happy to hear no-one was injured. Have you told Chance about the excitement?
Dooley, I missed seeing your blog entry about sitting in the middle of the chase until this morning.
That MAN was certainly an idiot. Hopefully these boys still have a chance to grow up to be useful members of society. Glad everyone was okay.
I would like to meet those two boys and shake their hands for being such good drivers and then knock the both of them on their a--.
Good grief! Stay home in your garden for a few days, eh?
What possess kids sometimes. We have to constantly be on alert with Sarah, know where she is, who she is with, and what their plans are. It is scary bc she is 15 and in another year they will all be getting their liscenses. Glad no one was hurt and the police got the boys.
I am so glad you and Brian didn't get hurt in the chase.
Don't expect them to get much punishment. The same week as my husbands work accident 2 1/2 years ago, our Jeep was taken by two 14 year old boys (one was the son of our "friend" where the jeep was parked and they had the keys). The boys decided to go for a ride - when we heard about it the next day as my husband lay in the hospital just out of intensive care, we were told that our vehicle was totalled out and when we pressed charges we were made to feel that it was our fault. The boys got a little community service and received their drivers license as soon as they turned 16. Haven't had a lot of faith in our court system since. Login or register to leave a comment. |
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