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It's Fall already!
Posted: 08 Oct 2015 Posted: 04 Mar 2015 Posted: 01 Jan 2015 Posted: 30 Dec 2014 Posted: 27 Aug 2014 All Entries |
Gray DayIt's a gray day. Forecast is for scattered thundershowers. I do so hope they will scatter this way. I went out and watered this morning hoping that would help. It will probably wait until we have to go up the hill for work. A good rain or even a small rain would help all of the plants. They perk up when I water them but by the end of the day they look droopy again. I check the ones in the pots everyday to see if the soil is dry. I hate when I plant something and it stays the same size because the food and water seems to just be keeping it alive but not growing. The neighbor gave me some apricots this morning. Our trees were hit with frost and all the little apricots fell off. But a few miles from here and a slighly lower altitude the frost missed so there were lots of apricots. Our neighbors got apricots from some people who weren't using them and brought them to church. There was enough for two apricot tarts. So, I made one for us and one for the neighbors. Sugar free of course. Both of them. The neighbor lives in a small trailer so in summer they don't bake because it really turns the trailer into a furnace and even their cooler takes ages to cool it. Our house stays cool for the most part. We don't use any cooling, cooler or air conditioning. Only ceiling fans and one or two floor fans. One for the computer corner. Usually if I open a window a breeze comes through the house. Today, the door is shut for some reason. Guess I should decide what to make for lunch. The tart is still too hot. It will make a good snack after work, I think. Dooley This blog entry has been viewed 936 times
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I hope you get some of the rain Dooley. It has been so hot here the past couple of days my plants have been a little droopy too. I don't know how we would be able to cope without the AC here!
And now I'm craving apricot tarts! Eat a bite for me too!
I really hope the rain comes your way soon Dooley. If it does could you send some over to Scotland Please?
Now, he's given me a pound of dried sweet cherries and a plant which he doesn't know the name. He doesn't remember where he got it either. dooley
Yum yum Apricot tarts.You are a sweet person you always think of other people.
I posted here .I don't know where it went.Anyway, those tarts sound great.You are such a sweety always thinking of other people.
Eileen, the rain scattered somewhere else. Did you get it? We didn't even get the thunder. Now, it will be above 100 by Thursday. Guess I will keep watering. Dooley Login or register to leave a comment. |
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