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It's Fall already!
Posted: 08 Oct 2015 Posted: 04 Mar 2015 Posted: 01 Jan 2015 Posted: 30 Dec 2014 Posted: 27 Aug 2014 All Entries |
Cleaning!I've been busy this morning trying to get some cleaning done. Those darn daddy longlegs seem to make webs faster than I can sweep them away. I even went out and did the ones they made under the porch roof. I dug out my fall decor and put some scrawcrows and gourds and pumpkins around. dr bought me a couple of large scarecrows that I'm going to put outside. I just need to figure out where. I have two already out there. I have two ghoulie things too. I hung up my harvest wreath's and some bears dress for Halloween and fall. I want to go to the Dollar Store and get some fall leaves. My sister has some fall wreaths that she made and they look really nice. I don't think I'm as talented but I'll give it a try. I've been working on that quilt but not as much as I should and it's only half done. I had thought to get some more done today, but dr wants to cut wood this afternoon. Our woodshed is not quite empty but near enough. We have a shed full of four foot logs and a pile of four foot logs. We need to move the pile of logs anyway so now is a good time to cut them. I made coffeecake for breakfast this morning because it wasn't very warm in the house when we got up. It was really windy Friday and Saturday so it dropped the temps some. It's supposed to be sunny and in the 80's this week so maybe it will feel warmer again for awhile. I still need to get out and finish cleaning up the yard. We went to get the headlights on the truck changed on Friday. They were mismatched in the factory. But, the parts weren't there. They couldn't figure out what to order and needed to look at the truck. They said the parts should be in by Tuesday so it means another 45 minute trip to get them changed. dr has been polishing the truck with some wax that has uv protection in it. Sometime this week we are going to look into a sprayed in bed liner. So many things to do. For retired folks we sure keep busy. Of course, I work 20 hrs a week but that's in the evenings so don't you think we could get things done in the daytime. I have lots of books and magazines now to get through too. Dan was having a booksale at his library. One cent for paperbacks and magazines and hardback books 5/$1.00. How can you pass up that? You wouldn't know that I work in a library. I have to scan and print some recipes from some cookbooks that I have checked out so I can take them back this week. I checked out another one yesterday and haven't opened my library bag yet. Oh, well! Chance is in the "doghouse". She dug under and inside fence to get at a cat. But, dr is afraid that she will now learn to dig under an outside fence. He isn't sure how to fix that problem. So, she's confined to the big yard that has double fences and the little yard that is armor plated. She isn't happy. She got stuck in some brush when she got into the lower yard and dr had to rescue her so when he carried her to the house he holler at her and she wouldn't look at him or speak to him all evening. Except of course when we were eating chicken for dinner and she came and sat by him to beg for a bite. After dinner she insisted on sitting on my lap while I was trying to look at some of the magazines that I had bought. Silly dog! Guess I'd better go and look outside and see if I can figure out where to put the scarecrows. I'm thinking I may make a spinach/bacon pie for lunch. It has a fancy name but I can't spell it without looking it up. dooley This blog entry has been viewed 767 times
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Oh I'm so sorry Chance got into trouble .Maybe she is trying to get more attention (like she needs more) the little stinker.
There seems to be spiders everywhere this year. We were in a cafe the other day and a small white spider was crawling up the straw in his tea glass. Wannabe
re: The spider in the straw
Oh poor Chance! Animals can be just like children at times. In fact I don't think mine know they are dogs! hehe ;) I hope DR gets the fence problem solved!
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