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It's Fall already!
Posted: 08 Oct 2015 Posted: 04 Mar 2015 Posted: 01 Jan 2015 Posted: 30 Dec 2014 Posted: 27 Aug 2014 All Entries |
Busy day off!It's been a while since I blogged so I thought since I was sitting I would write a bit here.We've been using my Friday's off lately to do medical stuff. That's doing mostly okay now. I had the radiation treatment and there's nothing to do with it until I have to have a hormone count and doctor visit in December. It goes up and down and some days makes me feel not so good but until it levels out there isn't much to be done about it. Last week I had that MRI on my knee that I hurt last spring. They said at the time I hurt it that I pulled a ligament and it would heal itself. I didn't worry about it because it was getting better though slowly. I can do stairs now if I go slow. I can kneel a bit at a time and walk farther. But, when I went to the doctor in September he thought it should be all healed so he thought I should have the MRI. Well, I had it on Monday. It took 45 minutes. It's cold in the room so they provide this nice fuzzy blanket. I had a nice nap while it was doing it's thing. I went to the doctor on Thursday. He said I didn't pull the ligament, I tore it. I also have two small tears somewhere else in the knee. I can't find where I put the paper and I don't remember the medical terms. I also displaced something but they couldn't tell where it went. The doctor said it wasn't life threating so if I wanted to wait to have it repaired I could or I could not do anything at all. I asked if it would heal itself and he said the tears wouldn't repair themselves but it could be done microsurgery in outpatient. I told him I would wait until spring. No sense in ruining the holidays by being layed up with knee surgery because someone made a mistake and it needed more than they thought. That's what happened the last time I had knee surgery. They said I'd be off a week and It ended up being closer to two months and I did a whole summer reading program on crutches. Last week, I ask Dan what he thought about me doing a couple children's programs a month at his library. He thought it would be a great thing. So, the Thursday before Thanksgiving we'll have Turkey Day and make a variety of turkeys and have some stories and a finger game. Then, the Thursday after Thanksgiving we'll have Countdown to Christmas and make red and green paper chains so they can take a link off each day until Christmas and we'll make trees or stockings with windows and they can open a window and put a sticker in it until Christmas. Of course there will be Christmas stories to start the season off. In December, we'll do Christmasy things. I miss doing his children's programs since I started working at the Prescott Valley library. I don't work in the children's dept. there. So, today we decided we would stay home. We went and got the paper and was having breakfast when dr saw that Ace Hardware was having flu shots today and we hadn't had one yet. So, I bet you can guess what we did. We went up and got a flu shot. We stopped and dr bought a stereo that will play cd's and cassettes. Most only play cd's now. He's been buying some cd's lately and the old player didn't sound too great. Now, he's got Johnny Cash playing. Chance likes Johnny Cash. She's laying there listening to it. If she doesn't like what he's playing, she sings along. Sounds terrible! After doing a bit of this and that I decided I'd clean my sewing corner and try to make some space for a few more bears that were displaced by the new stereo. We "borrowed" a set of shelves out of the big shed. They belong to Dan. That will teach him to store things with us. Anyway, I now have a large mess that needs sorted out and either disposed of or a new place found for it. My sewing corner is growing ever smaller. One of these days I will have to sew with my arms held tight against me and no where to put anything. dr said he would have to "find" his room stretcher to make room for anything else in here. I'm not the one that brings all the bears to live here. I did buy a small one on Friday and he bought a small one on Saturday. It's when we buy large ones that problems develop. We found an assortment of small chairs on Friday, too. Now, it's nice for the bears to have their own chairs but it's beginning to look like a classroom in here. I'm trying to write a family history for my youngest sister's boys. She is much younger than the rest of us and missed out on a lot of history. So, she can't tell her boys and our parents died before her boys were old enough to remember them much. In fact, her youngest was born after they died so he doesn't know them at all. I had to stop and check with Wannabe on dates but I'll get back to it. I think this is probably long enough and I'd better finish my tea and see what other mischief I can get into before bedtime. dooley This blog entry has been viewed 657 times
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You were busy today and I was yesterday. I didn't get much finished because we had company so I have to work more tomorrow. Wannabe
Please may I borrow your room stretcher when you're done with it? I got tired from reading all you did yesterday.
Chance has a great taste in music.
As always, you are one busy lady. I've been missing reading your blog. Talk to you later, Marlene Login or register to leave a comment. |
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