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It's Fall already!
Posted: 08 Oct 2015 Posted: 04 Mar 2015 Posted: 01 Jan 2015 Posted: 30 Dec 2014 Posted: 27 Aug 2014 All Entries |
More cleaning!What with this and that happening this year I've fallen behind in so many things. Now, I've started "fall" cleaning and have so many projects started it's hard to know what to do when. This morning I took a look at the dining room. After all, Thanksgiving is rapidly approaching and we are having guests. Guests certainly wouldn't fit in that dining room. So, that's where I started today. Last week when we went to a yard sale I spied a box of those containers that you put magazines in for storage. She tossed them in with what we were buying because she wanted rid of them. So, I filled up five of them. Right now, they are under the bears tea table. I think they will be moved because I'm thinking the bear's tea table might be moved before Thanksgiving to make more usable space. I've cleaned out the tea closet. Yep, I have a tea closet. It's just a set of shelves with a curtain on the front. It holds a dozen or more kinds of tea bags and tins of loose tea and maybe a dozen or so teapots. I drink a lot of tea as you might suspect. I start in the morning and finish up after work in the evening. I like strong black tea mostly but in between times a bag in a cup serves it's purpose. Now, that's all sorted out. How did so much other stuff find it's way in there? Someone must be sneaking in while we are not here and filling it up for sure. Couldn't have been me. I've tossed a bag or two of old newspapers and assorted oddments. I believe I can get the vacuum cleaner around the table now. I've been working in there at various times to clean off the wood box. We haven't needed a fire yet this year but you never know. Right now it's about 78 degs. outside and the doors are open. I had to take my sweatshirt off early on today. Now, I'm thinking about lunch/dinner. We usually have a combined meal about two or two-thirty. Stir fry, I think with chicken. I have some leeks that maybe will find their way into it. Ginger for seasoning. Chance will have chicken, too, but not the stir fried kind. The other girl who works with me has been sick since Friday last week so it's been really hectic there. I went in an hour early yesterday. So far, they haven't called so maybe she will come back today. I hope she doesn't come too early because she thought she had strep and we really don't need that here. Not at this time of year or any time of the year. So, nine people for Thanksgiving dinner. I think I have room for them now. Have a good day. dooley This blog entry has been viewed 623 times
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78 degrees outside where you are??!!! Oh how I wish it was as warm around here Dooley. We've been having gale force winds and early morning frosts so I guess winter is just around the corner.
I've got those messy people coming in and throwing our things about too. Good luck with your cleaning frenzy Dooley. Login or register to leave a comment. |
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