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It's Fall already!
Posted: 08 Oct 2015 Posted: 04 Mar 2015 Posted: 01 Jan 2015 Posted: 30 Dec 2014 Posted: 27 Aug 2014 All Entries |
Another day off!I had another day off today. It's cloudy, gray and raining. It's rained all day. This must be our winter rain though the weatherman says not to get used to it as we will have a drier than normal winter. Tomorrow is supposed to be partly cloudy and colder. Sunday, Monday and Tuesday is supposed to be rainy. We went out this morning to go over to Cordes Lakes, about 8 miles. There was a traveling tool sale at the community and the advertising paper said they would have a log splitter. So, we went through the rain, fog and low visibility to buy one. Guess what! Yep! They didn't have any. The man was a smart aleck. He said they hadn't had any of those for two or three days, like we should have come earlier. I have no idea where they were two or three days ago but we were there today when they first opened. dr wasn't a very happy camper. We stopped at the post office and then came home. I turned on the oven and made dr some soft chocolate chip cookies. I usually make dunkers out of them. He doesn't dunk though so he likes them softer. Then, I mixed up some oatmeal bread. I make it with yeast and some molasses. While it was raising, I made some chocolate tea bread. It made three loaves so there is one for us, one for our neighbor and one for me to take to work tomorrow. While that was baking, I mixed up some stir and drop sugar cookies. You drop the dough on a cookie sheet and then dip the bottom of a glass in colored sugar and smash them a bit. I baked those while I put the bread in pans and set them to raise a second time. I had to cool the oven a bit for the bread but by the time it had risen to it's doubled size the oven was ready. I kept the dishes washed up so all I have to do is the two bread pans. dr came home and made soup. Vegetable with beef and sausage in it. He says it's almost ready to eat. I guess I could go and put plates and bowls on the table and see if the bread is cool enough to cut without squashing it. I have my little bear tree up but not the big tree. Maybe that will come on Sunday. dr cleaned off all the wall shelves and we brought out all of the bears for Christmas. I didn't count them but I know there are 112 in the dining room. I'm afraid to start counting the ones here in the living room area.They are everywhere you look and some places where you don't look. I've invited Dan and Laurel and her kids to come next Sunday and have soup and sandwiches and make Christmas cookies so I made a list of ingredients. Glenda sent me an e-mail with a list of a couple hundred cookie recipes so maybe later I will sort through it and print off a few. I have already printed some from the food network site. Maybe I will try some different cookies this year instead of the same ones that I make every year. Of course, we really don't need cookies but I do give a lot away and take some to work. I still have cards to finish so I'd better go and get the soup on the table so I can use it later to write. Have a nice evening. dooley This blog entry has been viewed 779 times
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You really did a lot of baking today .Sorry you didn't get your wood spliter.
Sorry you didn't get your log splitter Brian but your soup sure sounds good. We are to have a wintery mix the next three days and I bought stuff for baking, but we probably won't have any electricity. Wannabe
You've had a busy day. I'm sorry for your wood splitter. I love to read about what you're making. I can smell the home made bread all the way here. Login or register to leave a comment. |
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