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It's Fall already!
Posted: 08 Oct 2015 Posted: 04 Mar 2015 Posted: 01 Jan 2015 Posted: 30 Dec 2014 Posted: 27 Aug 2014 All Entries |
Rain and snowLast weekend we had a couple of inches of slow rain which soaked into the ground. We hadn't had much rain all year so it was really a welcome rain. It was sunny and warm all week and Friday it started to rain again and now the ground is wet it isn't soaking in so much and it's getting squishy with mud out there. Still, we do need the water and it will soak in eventually. The trees and bushes have tree wells so they are getting a good soak. Hopefully in the spring they will grow and we won't notice that they almost died this year. We have water restrictions through the winter to try to conserve some of this rain. I'm very happy that we did not get the rain that the northwest did. It rained all day Friday and I took the opportunity to heat the house and do some baking. I took some to work and gave some to our neighbor as I am diabetic and it isn't wise to keep too much around here. Cookies are my downfall. It rained here yesterday, but in Prescott Valley where I work at the library, it was just cloudy, windy and cold. When we got home the rain had mixed with snow which I am definitely not fond of. I shoveled my share of that stuff back in the midwest for a long number of years. But, it turned back to rain and it got cold enough to freeze it so there was ice on things this morning. It melted when it warmed up a bit. Never did warm up too much but it rained for most of the day. I didn't get the bows put on the rest of the garland on the fence. I looked in the exercise room and the geraniums are blooming still. I gave them some water because some of the leaves were getting brown. We never got the plastic back up so it isn't too warm in there. It is supposed to rain Monday and Tuesday here and maybe an inch or two in Prescott. That means when I go to work tomorrow and Tuesday there might be a little on the ground. I'm hoping not on the streets though. I have to go up to Prescott Valley early tomorrow to have some blood drawn and to the doctor on Thursday. Yuck! The ten day forecast shows it warming up into the 60's the beginning of the next week and that's what I like for winter. None of this snow stuff. dooley This blog entry has been viewed 809 times
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We had our first snowfall on Saturday. It didn't last long and was really only a covering of 'icing sugar' - nothing worth talking about really. Now it's very frosty again and the gritters have been out. Rain is forecast for the rest of the week. Temperatures are around -5!!
Rain is nicer than ice. We have a mixture here, everything on the ground and cars is ice but we also have puddles of water.This will end Monday night and come back Wednesday. I wish I had your energy to bake and decorate, I have done nothing. Wannabe
I'm so glad you finally got lots of rain.I know ya'll needed it bad.Stay safe my friends.
Enjoy your rain dooley. I hope it warms up for you, I'm not fond of bare frost either. Good luck at the doctor's.
Still waiting for snow here Dooley. Login or register to leave a comment. |
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