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It's Fall already!
Posted: 08 Oct 2015 Posted: 04 Mar 2015 Posted: 01 Jan 2015 Posted: 30 Dec 2014 Posted: 27 Aug 2014 All Entries |
Busy days!I'm not sure if it is the Christmas Season or if things are just busier lately. I never seem to get done. I went to the doctor on Thursday. What a wasted trip? I had to go on Monday and get blood drawn so they could check the thyroid levels. When I went to the doctor on Thursday she said they were coming down but were still too high. So, I need to come back the first week in February and go to the lab a few days before. Now, don't you think they could have just picked up the phone and told me that the levels were still high and I needed to wait a couple more months before coming in. Yesterday, dr and I got up early and went to estate sales. We had one that we went to first because the man who runs those sales always has good stuff. It was way up in the mountains, 6,500 ft. elevation. There was snow up there and it was COLD! But there was stuff inside and outside and we bought a lot of stuff. We went early and were going to breakfast before we went to more sales. But, we spent a considerable amount of time at that one so it was late when we left there and we had to backtrack down the mountain. Not too far though. We stopped in Prescott. Now, our truck seems to know we go to sales because on the way to breakfast it spied another sale sign and turned off the main street and we went to it before breakfast. dr bought a lot at this sale, too. Then, we started to breakfast again. But, it was ll:30 so we went to the Thai Restaurant and had their lunch special. Curry. Great stuff! When we left there, we decided we'd better go home because we both had things to do, but, you know we stopped at another sale and bought some more stuff. By now the truck was getting full so we again started for home. I wanted to stop at the grocery store for just a couple of things. Do you know it must be against the law to just buy a couple of things at the grocery store? We finally made it home at 3 pm. It was cold in the house. We have no central heat. We use a wood burning stove. So, while it was heating things up I made some bar cookies. They are easy to stir up and get going. Then, I made a pineapple/pecan coffeecake to take to work today. I put fish in the oven and baked a sweet potato. dr loaded the truck for the flea market. It was cold today but he did fairly well anyway. He had some bad news. A friend that we've known since we moved to Arizona and was another flea marketer died last night. He was diabetic but was doing well and was there yesterday to set up his tables. What a shock! Now, I have to go see if I can find the dining room table because Dan and family are coming to lunch and to make cookies tomorrow. I'd hate to have them eat standing because I couldn't find the table. I have all the things we need for cookie making and I have chicken cooking for chicken noodle soup. I'll make the noodles in the morning. I want to stir up some sugar cookie and some gingerbread cookie dough so it can chill before they get here. I bought this teddy bear cookie cutter that makes about eight or nine inch tall cookies. I thought it would be fun to make those and decorate them. It's going to be in the upper 50's tomorrow if the forecasters are right, but then when are they ever right. No rain or snow, I hope. None is in the forecast until Wednesday and Friday. Have a good evening. dooley This blog entry has been viewed 683 times
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You have been busy. I wish you were here to bake my cookies. I have all the ingredients but haven't been home to bake them. Maybe I could share yours. Wannabe
Certainly a busy day! I'd love to have someone to bake with, so I'll just pack my stuff and join you. At least in my thoughts.
Hey we could have a GardenStew bake day. Just packing my case too!!!! Login or register to leave a comment. |
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