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It's Fall already!
Posted: 08 Oct 2015 Posted: 04 Mar 2015 Posted: 01 Jan 2015 Posted: 30 Dec 2014 Posted: 27 Aug 2014 All Entries |
Some odds and endsShould I start with odd or end. Okay, odd! Friday, I have to get up at 6:30 am to go to a Christmas party on my day off. The full time people at the library all work days and the part time people work evenings. They say that so the part time people can go to the Christmas party they have it from 8 am to 10 am the last day all of the full time people work before Christmas. Three full time people work on Saturday and three part time people work on Saturday. So, I have to get up early on my day off and go to a Christmas party. The director makes the main egg and sausage scramble and everyone brings something. I made rosette cookies today. I almost gave up and decided on something else. Half way through the iron got too hot and the rosette stuck to it. I had to scrap it off and wash it and then heat it a little and try again. I know now that when the rosette starts to fall off on it's own while still in the hot oil that I need to take a break and let it cool a bit. The oil is too cool and needs to heat a bit. Anyway, I managed to get enough to take and have them layered in a box. Maybe there was only one odd. The end is that Fintin isn't coming at the end of the month. Tom and Kirsten aren't coming either. They started adding up the cost of gas, motels, entry fee for the race, etc and decided they had better stay home. Last year they had friends to share some of the cost. They have an added expense this year too named Fintin. Also, a new house. I'm going to miss seeing Fintin and Erin, but I understand too many extra expenses can ruin a budget quickly. Brian's niece called. Her baby was born on Dec. 13th at 12:17 am. It was due on Dec. 12th so it wasn't too far off. They named him Aiden Michael. That's pronounced Eden but I'll bet it gets mispronounced and misspelled quite a lot. She told us that they put grandma on a low calorie diet. She didn't tell us soon enough. We already sent a box of high calorie goodies for Christmas. I guess they will have to ration them. Why put a 92 year old person on a diet just before Christmas? Is it going to make a big difference in their life if they eat a bit of candy or a cookie for Christmas? So, we bought Fintin a Christmas present on Monday. We stopped at Oshkosh B'Gosh at the Outlet Mall and bought him a red plaid flannel shirt and matching bibbed overalls lined with the same flannel. The overalls are brown instead of blue and has lots of pockets. Now, what does a baby need with lots of pockets? I put them in a large padded envelope and mailed it off today. I sent Erin a gift card to the bookstore. All of my grandchildren love to read. I sent Ben and Jacob bookstore gift cards, too. We have all of our shopping done but for each other. dr asked me, "What do you want?" I say, "I don't know." I ask him, "What do you want?" He answers, "I don't know." I guess we both want the same thing. I don't know. But, where do you buy it? We won't have any of the boys home this year. Dan is usually here but this year we thought he should be with his "new family." He says Laurel's kids are going to be with their dad and he and Laurel haven't decided what they are going to do. But, it's a good time for some time to themselves. Her mom is going to friends. So, this is the first time in 46 years that we haven't had at least one around for Christmas. We aren't going to be doing much either. Maybe I should put a lot of books, etc. on my list. Except I don't have a list yet. Is it too late to start a list? If I don't get all the cookies made for which I bought supplies to make, can I still make them after Christmas? So many questions, so few answers. I really think it's time I was going to bed. dooley This blog entry has been viewed 693 times
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Oh, dooley, I'm sorry about Fintin and Erin, and I'm very impressed at your skills to make me laugh. Load up with books and prepare to enjoy yourselves immensely with reading and cookie making during and after Christmas. That's what I would do if I were you.
I think cookies are welcomed by everyone all year round Dooley - especially if they are home-made ones. As for a list - well - I never make one as there's nothing that I need and so it's a nice surprise when I open my pressies.
I'm sad for you not getting to see Fintin and Erin but we gotta do what we gotta do.I will be here in Montana longer than I thought but thats ok as I wouldn't have much to do in Texas anyway.I am enjoying my babies.
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