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It's Fall already!
Posted: 08 Oct 2015 Posted: 04 Mar 2015 Posted: 01 Jan 2015 Posted: 30 Dec 2014 Posted: 27 Aug 2014 All Entries |
Busy Day!So, I got up at 6:30 and checked in here at the Stew. We went out to the truck and it was snowing. It was sticking on the ground a bit and we worried that it would get worse as we went up the hill. But, when we got to the highway it had turned to rain and a couple miles up the road the rain stopped and by the time we got up to the library the roads were dry. Everyone was amazed that we had some snow here and they didn't. The official altitude for Mayer is 4,418 ft and the official altitude for Prescott Valley is 5,102 ft. It should have snowed there first but I think the system was moving from the south and we were on the northern edge. I was early because we left because we were worried about the weather and we worried needlessly it seems. The book drop was there so I helped the ass't director unload it and check it in even though I wasn't on the schedule for today. Then, I helped set up stuff for the party. We had a good time and there were lots of good things to eat. When the library opened at 10 am I left with dr. He had gone shopping while I was at the party. We went looking for a wagon or a cart that he can put the log splitter on for easy moving. Yep, he found a log splitter a couple of weeks ago. After we looked about every where and couldn't find exactly what he needed at a reasonable price we stopped at Costco and there was just what he needed. He only needs to put a piece of plywood on it for a bottom that will be stable enough to hold it and it was under $50.00 which was about half what everyone else wanted. We did buy some Christmas things, too. After deciding that we would look and buy things together instead of buying things neither of us wanted we got most of it done. We are meeting Dan and Laurel for lunch on Sunday and can look around some more or do it on Monday as shopping on Christmas has been a tradition for years and years. The only time we didn't shop on Christmas eve was the year we got Chance. We went on the 23rd because it was supposed to storm on the 24th. If we had gone on the 24th we would have missed the people set up outside of K-Mart with the box of cold, shivering puppies. We were going to have something to eat at Costco but it was such a busy mess that we decided to go elsewhere. We ended up stopping at Denny's for a hamburger and then coming on home. It was cold in the house. Though it isn't raining or snowing there is a strong wind blowing down from the North Pole I think. dr started a fire and I started making stollens. I made four of them. Of course, it was cold so they took their time raising. While they were sitting there, I started the oven and made shortbread cookies. We didn't have time to make them on Sunday while the kids were here. I was telling dr that Gloria doesn't make cookies. She's only 22 and has three kids. She said she only knows how to make oatmeal cookies. I've been taking cookies to work each day and telling her to take the leftovers home. She says they don't last long, but of course there aren't many to take home. So, we decided to make a box just for her to take to the kids. There are mostly bar cookies left so after we finished eating our clam chowder, I mixed up a batch of brownies and put them in the oven and shaped the stollen and set it to raising a second time. I washed up all my mess of dirty baking things and put the stollen in the oven. I had to do it in two batches so chose the two that had raised the most and than the other two. Now, they are both done. It's 9 pm and I should go to bed but first I have to find a box for Gloria's cookies and then I have to frost one stollen to take to work in the morning. Then, dr set out some gifts that need to be wrapped, but I think I will do those tomorrow night because we don't need them until Sunday. While we were in Costco, I picked up two baby outfits. One is for Brian's niece. She had a baby boy on Dec. 13th. The other is for our honorary son who lives in Alabama. He spent more time at our house while he was growing up than he did at his home. He even went on vacations with us. He was the same age as our youngest. He has a little boy who is two and they just had a new baby on the 19th. So, I picked up a cute outfit for him, too. I think I have a mug of decaf tea waiting for me. I don't keep it on the computer desk since I drowned my mouse last month. Have a good night. dooley Last edited: Sat Dec 22, 2007 5:51 am This blog entry has been viewed 715 times
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You are aways busy doing something DooleyI sure am glad ya'll went shopping on the 23rd and got that pretty girl Chance.She has been such a joy for ya'll and us on the Stew too.
I'm glad you weren't stuck in the snow and missed your get-together. How thoughtful of you to make cookies for Gloria. It sounds like she's got her hands full. Are you going to relax now, or have you got more to get ready before Christmas?
Dooley I think it's about time you had some rest and relaxation to yourself. You are such a busy woman and I really don't know how you fit everything you do into each day.
Well, you should have enough baked goods but you keep giving them all away. I guess I will try to bake a little today or tomorrow.Not as much as you though. Wannabe Login or register to leave a comment. |
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