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It's Fall already!
Posted: 08 Oct 2015 Posted: 04 Mar 2015 Posted: 01 Jan 2015 Posted: 30 Dec 2014 Posted: 27 Aug 2014 All Entries |
Three Days OffWow! I have three days off in a row this week and three days off in a row next week. Next week I only work Wed, Thurs and Saturday. Then, I work the 2nd, 3rd, and 5th. Then back to my normal Mon thru Thurs and Saturday. I only work 20 hrs per week but some days it seems more. The supervisor told me yesterday that starting after the first of the year we would have an evening volunteer Monday thru Thursday and on Saturday, too. We already have three volunteers on Saturday so that will make it much better. This morning was so slow. I got out my lost book list and looked for lost books all morning. The lost book list has books that have been missing more than a year. They've already been through two missing lists so you usually don't find any of the lost ones, but it is a step you need to take before you delete records and order new ones. Joanne was looking for the trace books which is the first list and I had the missing list a couple of weeks ago. Those books we didn't find will go on the next lost list. Usually they only do lost lists once a year. But, about 12:30 the people started pouring in the doors. It was all we could do to keep things checked in and put on the shelves. The video's and DVD's were the most popular things checked in and out and people were upset there wasn't a better selection but everyone seemed to have the same idea. Since we won't be open again until Wednesday they needed enough to last them for the three days. People check out ten or 12 or more at a time. How can they set in front of a tv and watch movies for a couple of hours times 10 or 12? We don't have tv or cable or even a vcr or dvd player. It just isn't worth the money. If parents turned off the tv and the kids had to play or read they would be much better off. Well, not if they have those video games they can set and play by the hours.You'd have to throw those away, too. I'll get down off my podium now. So, what have I done since I got home. I made supper. I wrapped some presents. I talked with Brian's niece and her mother. I don't think I have talked with Shelley's mother since she divorced Shelley's father.(Brian's brother) Shelley was all excited. Her baby was born on the 13th so he's almost 10 days old now. I can't think when my kids were that old.The youngest turned 40 this year. Yikes! I was telling her that when our oldest was but a few weeks old he was napping. We forgot and left him sleeping and went to the store. In the middle of an aisle I yelled, "The baby." We left the cart and ran all the way home. We were about four blocks away. Of course, he was still sleeping but we were so scared he'd be crying. We never did that again. Shelley couldn't believe it either and she was laughing and promising not to do it. Shelley is the one I am going to make a Winnie the Pooh quilt for. I promised it would be finished before summer. She said he would use it no matter when I finish it. I can just see her trying to use it in 90 deg. weather in the summer. When this Christmas stuff is finished I will get started on it. Just think, no more cookies to make, no more stollen or breads to make. I will have LOTS of time. LOL Until gardening season rolls around, so I guess I'd better get started on it as soon as January rolls around. That's just around the corner. Our checkout period is for three weeks at the library. It was really strange to be telling people their books are due in January. I means that's a whole new year and we aren't done with the old one yet. I think I might keep the old one a bit longer so I can get my projects finished. I can't start a new year with so many things not done, can I? I guess I'd better go and get started. I can begin with the supper dishes. Have a great tomorrow. dooley This blog entry has been viewed 710 times
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Like I said before you are one of the busiest people I know.I Love to read all you have done but it makes me tired just thinking about it
I hope you have scheduled some rest in your days off, Dooley. Looks like you might need it!
I don't suppose there's any chance that you'll slow down a bit, no matter how many days you have off, Dooley. Just don't do too much and allow yourself some time just to be mellow.
I agree Dooley...everyone needs some time to relax! Login or register to leave a comment. |
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