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It's Fall already!
Posted: 08 Oct 2015 Posted: 04 Mar 2015 Posted: 01 Jan 2015 Posted: 30 Dec 2014 Posted: 27 Aug 2014 All Entries |
Back to work!Wow! I had three days off. They sure went faster than my work days. I wonder what I did with them. On Sunday, we went up to Prescott and had lunch with Dan and Laurel. That was an if when we got up because on Saturday Laurel wasn't feeling well. Dan called on Sunday morning and said she was feeling better and thought it might have been the eggnog she finished up on Saturday morning. We went to the Celtic Crossing Irish Pub. We had wanted to go to the Wildflower Bread Store but it was just too crowded and too noisy. The pub was nearly empty when we arrived but was filling up fast when we left. We thought about going to do some shopping but didn't want to put up with the crowds. They were rude and pushy and grumpy. We stopped at the grocery store and picked up a few things and came home. I made spaghetti for supper. We listened to Christmas music and wrapped the few presents we had left. We took all the ones for Dan and Laurel and her two kids up to lunch and gave them to them for under their tree. The kids went to California with their father so it was only Dan and Laurel at their house, too. It gave them a chance to spend some time together without kids and moms around. Monday, a day which we traditionally go shopping, we got up and went up to breakfast. We stopped at the mall but didn't see anything great. I started to buy a book but didn't. I just wasn't in a shopping mode I guess. We again stopped at a grocery to buy milk which we forgot on Sunday. It's a good thing we didn't want to buy much because there were no carts and people were squabbling over carts that people were pushing to their cars. I thought two people were going to have a fight over one. We quickly got our milk and a bottle of eggnog and left. We were home early and put on some Christmas music and didn't do a lot of anything. Well, the cheesecake saga! I had never made a cheesecake. I had never tried to make a cheesecake. The boys make great cheesecake so why should I make one. BUT, see, there is always a BUT. There was cream cheese and sour cream and stuff left from making cookies so I thought I could make a cheesecake for dessert on Christmas. I couldn't find the recipe that Dan gave me awhile ago so I got out a cookbook and found a recipe that didn't sound too hard and followed it exactly. I should have known when it said that I didn't really need a springform pan that I should have looked for a different recipe. Not that it would have mattered because I don't have a springform pan. I gave it to Dan because I would never be using it and he needed one. It didn't look too bad when it came out of the oven. But it said leave it cool some more (other than the hour in the oven with the temp shut down). So, I let it cool and then attempted to tip it out. I covered it with the plate and tipped it over and it sort of collapsed into this gooey mess all over the plate. It was more like cheese pudding than cheese cake. It tasted okay, sort of. dr says maybe it was the altitude and I should have adjusted the oven temp. But, Dan makes good cheesecake at this altitude. I know that it is the last cheesecake that I will attempt. I think I will keep to cookies and muffins and coffeecakes. Bread is pretty easy, too. I made chocolate fudge pudding from a box for dessert and put Cool Whip on the top. Now, dishes are done and the evening is closing down to bedtime. We had a good day though the wind was blowing something fierce. I didn't go out. There was a fire and it seemed like a good thing to set by it and read and do puzzles in my puzzle book. Our youngest son called and we talked about the new gadgets his boys received and the ones they wanted but didn't receive. He was on call but hadn't had to go out. He's taking time off this week to spend with the boys because Wendy has to work. He's going to go shopping for a new car. The boys (5 and 9 yrs old) told him they needed a new car because the automatic door locks squeal when they lock and it's too noisy. Trust kids to decide something like that for a reason for a new car. I told him to be careful taking the boys car shopping or he'd end up with a Hummer or a tank. He just laughed at that. I hope he isn't thinking along that line. Anyway, tomorrow is back to work and with the library being closed for three days, it will be a very busy rest of the week. Ground breaking for the new library is January ll, 2008 and it will take a little over a year to build. They are looking at a move-in date of April, 2009. We got a special invitation from the city for it. I wonder what day Jan. 11th is on. Probably it will be on my day off. If so, I think I will skip it, special invitation or no. Have a good evening! dooley This blog entry has been viewed 728 times
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January 11, 2008 is on a Friday. It was also our Grandma's birthday. Wannabe Login or register to leave a comment. |
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