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It's Fall already!
Posted: 08 Oct 2015 Posted: 04 Mar 2015 Posted: 01 Jan 2015 Posted: 30 Dec 2014 Posted: 27 Aug 2014 All Entries |
Holidays are over?I think the holidays are over for another year. Thursday morning I went out are took down the garland with the bright red bows because the weather forecast predicted rain. I didn't want them to get all wet and straggly. I took down the wreaths and the bells and all the Christmasy stuff outside. I left the baskets of pinecones because they are wintery and look okay. When we went down to my sister's on Sunday she gave me a birthday present that dr is going to put by the front door. It's a Celtic knot and says, "Ceal Mile Failte" with little lines over the e and the i and the a. She said it says, well, I forgot. Something about a million welcomes. Her husband made it. When dr gets it up, I will take a picture of it. We had a lot of work to do on Wednesday night at work. Tons of it actually. I think no one brought a book back in all of December and then brought every thing back on Monday. But, we went in 1 1/2 hours early to make up for not working on Monday. The library closed at six on Monday and we usually start at 6 so we went early on Wednesday and Thursday so we wouldn't lose time. Anyway, we had two very good volunteers that came in at 5:30 and with Gloria and I, we got everything put away by 8:30. Are we good? YES!! Thursday night it was dead in the water. Very few people came in at all. We were there early and had one of the volunteers back and we had everything done by 6:30. After I put in my bit at the reference desk, I went and checked shelves and put things in order. I am up to L'Amour. I will get the rest of it done on Saturday, I hope. I won't have to watch the desk and neither will Gloria. Today, being a day off, we slept late. After I made breakfast and cleaned up the kitchen I tackled removing Christmas from inside. I gathered everything in one place, brought my tubs inside and begin putting things in their proper tubs. We marked the tubs last year as we put it away. I took down the little bear tree and put it away but didn't put all of the little bears away. I put a little log house on one end of the shelf and set all the little bears along the shelf. I'm thinking tomorrow I might move the house to the middle of the shelf and put the bears around it. It won't look so lopsided. I removed all the glass ornaments from the tree. They have their own tub. Then the special ornaments and birds and ones that never made it to the tree this year. Last, the tins and mugs and dishes and wreath materials and all the odds and ends. Now everything is back in storage. dr took the tree apart and put it back in it's box. So, Christmas is back in the storage and the house is to rights again. No, the house isn't to rights again. I will do that on Sunday, after we go to breakfast with Dan, Laurel and family. Laurel's mom's birthday is Jan.9th. Mine was Jan. 2nd. So they are going to treat us to breakfast for our birthdays. They kindly invited dr to come along. I just hope it isn't raining too hard or "Yikes!" snowing when it's time to go. It is supposed to start sometime. But, they keep moving the start date. It's sometime Saturday or Saturday evening. I guess it will be whenever California is finished with it. They tend to keep most of it so they can have mudslides and floods. That's why we are so dry over here. That sounds like a good excuse anyway. So, Happy New Year everyone! Enjoy it to the fullest because before you know it Christmas will be looming around the corner and you won't be ready. dooley This blog entry has been viewed 667 times
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Our Christmas is all put away also. I even got the skeleton down that has been up since Halloween. Wannabe
You and dr were busy beavers today.Sounds like Chances world is shaping up really great.
Well done dooley! I'm going to try and get Christmas put away this weekend, but my husband hates it when we do. He's always begging for an extra day.
Does it feel like a new start once all the Christmas stuff is put away ? It's such a chore for me, and I've pulled back a lot on decorating just because it's less to have to take down. I enjoy all the yard decorations of the neighborhood, but do not envy them for the clean up and storage.
You go, girl. Sounds like you have been extremely busy!!!
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