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It's Fall already!
Posted: 08 Oct 2015 Posted: 04 Mar 2015 Posted: 01 Jan 2015 Posted: 30 Dec 2014 Posted: 27 Aug 2014 All Entries |
A Sunny DayIt was cool here today but it was sunny and bright so I thought I would go outside and do a few things. Last fall I trimmed back the bushes and the roses because between the drought and the grasshoppers they were looking pretty sad. Then, because it was so dry it didn't really frost here until after we had rain in December and the first week of this year so the leaves hung on all of the trees. It looks like they might be on the ground now so I needed to get them bagged up, too. Well, I did get the trimmings from the roses and the apricot trees bagged up and put out for the trash man. I didn't get the leaves raked up. That will be for another day. I did find some grape hyacinth coming up through the ground and a couple of daffodils peeping through the leaves. It's too early for the daffodils although one year the bloomed through the snow. I'm hoping for no snow this year. It's been cold but not cold enough for snow this year. It was supposed to be 60 today but I'm quite sure it didn't make it. The next three days will be cooler. I probably won't get those leaves raked up until Friday at the earliest. Everything looks a little gray and scroungy now. It needs a warm spell to spruce things up a bit. I was reading in the gardening section of the paper on Saturday that it's time to prune trees and spray them with a dormant oil. I'm not sure what a dormant oil is but guess I will find out when I go to buy some. I hope the apple trees survived the grasshopper attacks last year. I had to spray them. I know the butterfly bush is kaput. If it's not drought, it's the grasshoppers. Everyone had them, even my sister down in Phoenix was complaining about them. Well, it's time to go off to play library lady for another day. Have a good evening. dooley This blog entry has been viewed 546 times
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Daffodils, how lovely! I want to see them, pretty please? I'm sorry to hear about your grasshopper invasion, hope you haven't lost too much.
Those x*&*&* grashoppers.
While reading your blog I could just imagine the grape hyacinth and daffodils. How wonderful!!! When do the apricots come on your trees? I love them.
hi dooaley,
oops, I pushed the wrong button! lol
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