I did it today!
Yard work! | Posted:
Sat Dec 31, 2005 4:33 am
It was another beautiful day so I took my rake and finished the yard and Chance's small yard. Now, I have got to get the garden cleaned out so I can dig it. I should have done all of this a couple of months ago but I had too many other things to do. I'm happy to have this time to do it. We need to trim the trees this week and I may start on it tomorrow. Last year the apricot trees bloomed in February. The mulberry tree begins to get pollen in March. Yuck!! I can't trim that one. Brian says he will trim it and Dan can carry it away. I can't even be outside when they do it.
If it doesn't rain by tomorrow, I will water the trees and bushes again. They look a little dry. I'll water the bulbs too. Last year we had a lot of rain but it's been nearly two months since we had any now. I hope we don't have as much as Northern California is having. They have so much that it is causing mud slides etc. I wish our creek would get water again though. Last year it was flooded several times.
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