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It's Fall already!
Posted: 08 Oct 2015 Posted: 04 Mar 2015 Posted: 01 Jan 2015 Posted: 30 Dec 2014 Posted: 27 Aug 2014 All Entries |
The Case of the Missing GlovesWhen we had our large white truck there was a pocket in the door for things. I always kept my gloves in the pocket. I had winter gloves and work gloves for when we went to haul wood. I had brown winter gloves and black winter gloves. When we traded the white truck for the smaller red truck we cleaned out all the various storage spaces. Somewhere along the line one of each pair of winter gloves disappeared. I kept the ones we found and hoped we would find the other two. How far could the go after all? We looked in all the usual places and in places where they weren't likely to be, but we looked anyway. When it got cold we went and bought a new pair of black leather ones for driving. Now, we looked in the exercise room thinking they fell out of the box of stuff but they were not in there. They have been missing since the end of September. I went into the exercise room to water plants stored in there and for various other things during the time they were missing. This morning I went into the exercise room looking for a pair of loppers that I had put away. That's another story. But, there right in front of me so I couldn't miss it was the one brown glove. I know it hadn't been there all this time. So, I brought it inside thinking I would now have two pair of gloves again. Do you think I could find the one that I already had? Nope! Searched high and low, no brown glove, no black glove. Finally, I quit looking and went to do something else and when I turned around, right in plain sight was a bear holding the brown and black glove. How can things be nowhere to be found and then right in plain sight so any three year old could find it.? Now, another story in the same vein. Monday, I went out to clear up the branches I'd cut off the rose bushes and the apricot trees and the lilac bushes. I looked for my leather gloves. We have several pair especially for outside work like what I was going to do. I couldn't find any of them. So, I had a pair of yellow cotton work gloves and they were light enough that I received some pokes and scratches from the rose thorns. But, we filled three bags with the things. I came inside, hung my hat on the hat rack and there on the shelf under the hat rack was a pair of leather gloves with my initials on them. I put the hat on before I went outside, so where were the gloves then. I went into the laundry room to hang up my coat. There on the shelf at eye level when I turned to come back inside was another pair of leather gloves. Did I miss those, too? What is it with the gloves around this house? All I can say is it must be Chance because I did have my eyes examined in December. Charlie This blog entry has been viewed 685 times
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Sounds as though you've got a poltergeist who loves to get up to mischief there Dooley!! LOL I have a habit of losing things too and can hunt around the house and garden and never see them no matter how hard I search. However, the minute Ian or one of the children come into the house they seem to have no problems spotting them - a real mystery to me as I KNOW I've looked in the place where they find them many, many times and they definately were NOT there!!!
Poor Chance being blamed for
:lol: Oh, the time wasted in looking for things, and not finding them! But I do believe you're not alone:
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