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It's Fall already!
Posted: 08 Oct 2015 Posted: 04 Mar 2015 Posted: 01 Jan 2015 Posted: 30 Dec 2014 Posted: 27 Aug 2014 All Entries |
We have tickets!We have tickets! Train tickets! We decided with the price of gas rising daily that instead of driving to Glenda's in May we would take the train. We have in our hands now round trip tickets from here to Dallas and a rental car arranged. The price of the tickets plus the rental car is much cheaper than gas and motel rooms we would need if we drove. We only have to drive to the train which is south of Phoenix a bit. Ak Chin Casino has a shuttle to the station and they have secure parking if you rent a room. If you don't rent a room, it's $5.00 per day. But, we will be needing a room when we get back as the train gets in at 1:30 am and there is no way I'm driving back up that hill at 1:30 am with little or no sleep. The train gets into Dallas at 3:20 pm so we should get to Glenda's long before dark. That's if the train is on time. We learned in our many travels not to expect that the train will arrive anywhere on time. It's always late the minute it leaves the station. Anyway we can have a relaxing trip to and from and maybe even arrive home rested. With a room at the casino I don't expect we will arrive home with any money. Everyone knows that the chances of winning anything are rare and none. Pulling the handle of a slot machine and expecting to win isn't very realistic in my book. Sometimes I put in change and once in awhile I'll win but the most I've ever won is $25.00 so I'll just keep my money in my pocket if I don't have any loose nickels or quarters. I expect we will leave most of our money in Texas anyway, but we will have fun. This is our first vacation since we've been married that we haven't visited family members, parents, kids, etc. Sometimes a sister but not even that very often. I'm looking forward to it and will start making my lists very soon. How can you go anywhere without a list? I have always made lists for everything. When my youngest son went off to college he asked me if I would make a list for his friend Jeff. He said Jeff's mom didn't make lists and Jeff was afraid he'd forget something. The list will be added to and crossed out many times before May arrives. dr says we each get one suitcase and a carry on bag. He has to be able to carry everything because my knees will not always cooperate with stairs, etc. Heather has her plans made, too, so come party with us. dooley Last edited: Sun Mar 16, 2008 3:39 am This blog entry has been viewed 788 times
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Yipeeeeeeee ,I'm loving it.Can hardly wait .its going to be so much fun having you two here with us all.
YEAH!!!!! Not only do I get to see the rest of my family and friends who I haven't seen in 2 years, I also get to meet dooley and dr!!! Trey is SO excited!! I'm sure Logan is excited too.. in his own little way. :)
Good thinking Dooley, congratulations on your tickets!
Sounds exciting . . . How many hours will it take on the train? Will you get meals? I would love to take a train ride. Are you and Glendann related? Did you meet on this blog? How exciting it must be for you both! I am happy for you all.
Congrats on your tickets, Dooley. Oh, you're gonna have a ball there. Take fotas and let us know all about it.
Oh please, please take loads of piccies when you get to Glenda's won't you Dooley? I want to see everything so that I can say I've 'been' on the trip with you and DR!!!! You are going to have such fun together. Gosh I'm getting all excited for you already!!
We met right here on the Stew.
According to the schedule it will take 39 hours on the train. We were figuring two to two and a half days if we were driving. There will be a dining car on the train for meals. We didn't buy the sleeping car ticket because it's really expensive. The coach seats are okay for the shorter trips. We used to ride from Chicago to Arizona before we moved here. Our boys loved riding the train. We are excited about the trip and I'll be making my lists starting soon. dooley
It sounds like a great trip and a lot of fun with friends. I am happy you can go visit Dooley and DR. Wannabe
Major fun - I always loved taking the train. Not the ones for just getting to a certain point on a day to day basis, but rather for travel and journey purposes.
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