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It's Fall already!
Posted: 08 Oct 2015 Posted: 04 Mar 2015 Posted: 01 Jan 2015 Posted: 30 Dec 2014 Posted: 27 Aug 2014 All Entries |
Yard work?We started the day early today and went to have our truck serviced, had breakfast and went to the travel agency to see if they ever managed to get our car rental reservation made. They were closed for Easter. One would think it wouldn't take two weeks to make a simple car reservation. Oh, well! Monday I will call them for the fifth time and then if it doesn't get done I will tell them forget it and do it online. After the travel agency we backtracked and stopped at two grocery stores, filled our water bottles and headed home. We passed a yard sale sign, turned around and went back. We bought a few things and then headed home again. We passed another yard sale sign and detoured yet again. After stopping there we went to the post office and made it home about noon. I told dr I was going to take my diet soda and a piece of the deli chicken and sit in the yard for a bit. He came too and brought an extra bit of chicken for Chance. After eating, I decided I would rake up the little yard where the table sits and straighten it up a bit. I pulled out the dead leaves in the spider wort and decided it needed watered. So, I hooked up the hose on the newly fixed faucet and watered them. Then I dragged the hose down to the lower yard and watered the apple trees. I trimmed the Russian Sage back to where new growth is coming out. I cut back the Carolina Jasmine to where new growth is coming out. I think my honeysuckle is past saving. It doesn't have any new growth but I trimmed it back and watered it hoping maybe some might come but I doubt it. I went around to the front of the house and remembered that I had put some plants in the exercise room last fall and that's the last I did anything with them. So, I hauled them out and trimmed them back some and watered them. Since it isn't supposed to go below 40 for the next 10 days I will leave them out and see how they do. Five of them are geraniums that I bought two years ago and there is a lavender and two lemon verbana. I'm hoping they will all put on new growth. I found a tub of ironite while I was looking in the garden shed so I put ironite on all the rose bushes and trees in the front and watered them good. I watered the pansies and daffodils and tulips. I think that is enough yard work for today. I think on Sunday I will feed the apple trees. When I finished the yard work, I spent about 40 minutes in the exercise room. I am supposed to do that three times a week with a full day between each day. I only managed two days this week so will have to try harder next week. Now, it's rest time. We are having a sub sandwich for supper. We bought it at the deli today. Tomorrow we are having ham what with it being Easter. There will only be dr and myself. I guess we could have asked someone to share it but Dan and Laurel are both feeling under the weather with the same crud that everyone else has been having. When I was growing up we always had ham and potato salad for Easter. The potato salad was to use up the Easter eggs because no one in the family would eat cold boiled eggs by themselves. They still had to have them so everyone could color eggs but would only eat them if she put them in potato salad or egg salad for sandwiches. I'll put boiled eggs in my potato salad but I don't think I will color them first. I wish my grandchildren lived closer so I could color eggs and do more things with them. I need to go take a shower. I'm thinking maybe I will cut my hair. It is entirely too long and it's been bugging me. Have a nice evening. dooley This blog entry has been viewed 572 times
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Sounds like you had a full day with much accomplished. You mentioning ham and potato salad reminds me of the Easter dinners we (DH) use to have with lots of people, just like Thanksgiving. I would color eggs with my DD and I would decorate the house. I miss those days so much. And I guess they are gone forever, as DS and DIL don't seem to care about carrying on tradition. DD isn't married yet, so at least I have the memories.
You really did alot today .I think you would really need to rest a while after all that.
I'm crossing my fingers for your plants, may they grow and prosper! Your day was busy. Isn't that enough exercise, I wonder?
I need to lie down after reading what you've done Dooley. Take a break now please before I become completely exhausted!! LOL
My goodness, Dooley! You have been quite busy . . . and to add exercising to it just puts me to shame!!! Your meals sound good also. We grilled hamsteaks, and have a little left for dinner tonight. Potato salad sounds very good right now . . .
You certainly did have a busy day! With all that running around I would have considered myself exersized for the day, you definatly deserved the rest. I hope you enjoyed your Easter even without the colored eggs, and I hope you'll have plenty of occations for coloring in the future. Login or register to leave a comment. |
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