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It's Fall already!
Posted: 08 Oct 2015 Posted: 04 Mar 2015 Posted: 01 Jan 2015 Posted: 30 Dec 2014 Posted: 27 Aug 2014 All Entries |
Another Ho-hum day off!Such an exciting day off we had. We put our water bottles in the car and went up the hill to breakfast. It was mostly sunny but very windy. We went to a breakfast buffet which isn't as good as it used to be. We got a late start and most places are crowded by the time we got around to going any where. After breakfast, I wanted to stop at WalMart and get a ink cartridge for my Canon printer and buy some tea bags for iced tea. I bought some shampoo that was on sale too. We wanted to look at flowers but for some reason they have them outside this year instead of in the garden dept. The garden dept. is filled with patio furniture. It was much too windy to look at anything outside. We went back to Prescott Valley and decided to stop at the swap meet. That was a mistake, the wind kept blowing my hat off. I wondered why dr didn't have a problem with his hat. He said, "Staples." Right! I forgot the staples. We didn't stay there long. We stopped at the grocery store where he filled the water bottles. I went in and looked around but didn't actually buy much. I looked at cut flowers but didn't see anything I wanted to bring home. We went to Ace Hardware and looked in their garden department. I only saw a columbine that I liked and it's really too early to plant much anyway. Back home! I checked in on the forum sites. Not much going on. I went outside and used the big magnet on the driveway area. The man who owned this house about 10 years ago worked on cars, bicycles, lawnmowers, etc. Whenever he took off a part or a screw or whatever he must have thrown it over his shoulder. Every spring or after a hard rain we have to demagnetize the driveway or we get a flat tire. Today I found an assortment of bolts, washers and a few nails. I also found a quarter which I put in my change bank. I found a spear head, too. This was once upon a time Indian territory. I have found several arrowheads when digging garden and flower beds. I went and did my exercises, then checked out the forums again. dr grilled steak on his outdoor grill and I made the rest of the supper. We had strawberry shortcake for supper. I make biscuit shortcakes with Bisquick. dr doesn't care for the cake type shortcake. He says it's too sweet. Now, it is approaching bedtime. Ho-hum! The wind has finally decided to quit blowing or at least it doesn't sound like a hurricane out there and I could probably keep my hat on if I went outside. Oh, I checked the apricot trees. The flower petals have mostly blown off and I discovered that freeze didn't kill all the little apricots so we may have some if it doesn't get cold again and the birds leave a few. Have a good night everyone. If it is not windy tomorrow I may be able to get something else done outside. But windy or not I will have to work at the library 6 to 9 tomorrow night. dooley This blog entry has been viewed 648 times
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Good news about the apricots! I'm glad you didn't blow away out there. Somehow your days off never sound like days off to me.
Yippee - your apricots survived.
I'm so glad you may have a few apricots to eat.I'm sorry you didn't get enjoy you outing for the wind.It has rained here all night last night and some off and on all day.
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