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It's Fall already!
Posted: 08 Oct 2015 Posted: 04 Mar 2015 Posted: 01 Jan 2015 Posted: 30 Dec 2014 Posted: 27 Aug 2014 All Entries |
A mug of teaI started my day at 6 am with a mug of hot tea. Irish Breakfast was the choice this morning. I generally start the day with a mug of tea. It doesn't always start as early as 6 am though. Usually just on Friday and Saturday. I work in the evening and on Saturday. 13hours on the weekdays and 7 hours on Saturday. dr usually goes to the flea market while I work on Saturday. He sets up and sells things we pick up at yard or estate sales on Fridays. We are lucky in that we usually have yard sales year around. A lot of them are on Friday and Saturday. Some are on Saturday and we usually miss those. There was a long list of them in the paper for tomorrow. Today, we went to one estate sale and 5 yard sales. The estate sale people have a large following so if you want to at least see the "good" stuff you have to get there before they open and wait in line. Today, the sale was in a place called Yavapai Hills. There is a good reason the word hills is there. That driveway was almost a 45 degree angle. I hate driveways like that and would not buy a house with such a steep drive. But, with the hills and mountains around here there are many of them. There was a set of steps leading up which I used as my knee simply doesn't like steep grades or ramps. It doesn't like stairs either but these were shallow ones so doable. We bought quite a lot. Had to make two trips back to the car. We stopped for gas at the station on the reservation and then went to breakfast. We went to another sale in the high country. I made two mis-turns so it took a bit longer to get there. We didn't buy much. It was too picked over as we were late getting there. We backtracked to Prescott Valley and went to one and there was another one just across the street and one down the block. All three were bummers and we didn't buy anything. We stopped for a cold drink and continued on back toward home. We saw a sign for one and stopped and bought a few things. I got a small trunk that is really cute. The covering is torn but I think I can recover it or glue it. I need to put in a new lining. I'm not sure what I will do with it. Maybe dr can sell it after it's refurbished. I bought a metal mushroom which is a trivet but I stuck it outside with my gnomes. The last sale was out in the countryside. I looked it up on my map and plotted how to get to it. We passed by a road and there was a sale sign and I told dr we would go to that one on the way back. I should have read the sign. We found the sale the way I plotted it on the map but we couldn't get to it. The road came to a deadend. No sign was posted either. So, we had to backtrack to the road with the sale sign and follow the signs around until we were just on the other side of the barricade where we had just been minutes before. There was a large ditch that didn't have a culvert so the road couldn't cross it. Oh, well! We didn't buy much but two fishing nets on poles. We came back to Mayer and stopped at the post office and then at the library to see Dan. We got home about l pm. I went and watered the bushes, trees and flowers. Chance did not help. Whenever I get out the hose she disappears. She doesn't like water at all. That's how we discovered it was raining yesterday. Chance came in through the doggie door like something was chasing her. She was a little soggy in such a short time out in it. After finishing my watering, I got a glass of cold tea and took my book and sat at the table outside and finished it. The hummingbirds were flitting around and buzzing my head. I couldn't figure out why as the feeders weren't empty. I finally figured it out. I was wearing a bright red flowered hat. I made a chunky apple coffeecake to take to work tomorrow and while it was cooking made supper. Now, the dishes are done and I'm sitting here with a mug of tea. When it's finished I think my day will be finished, also. It's another early day tomorrow. I have a couple of projects that need done at work. The city is building us a new library, four times as large as where we are now. We currently occupy the third floor of the civic center. The library director wants me to count the number of shelves we have for each section, fiction, non-fiction, large print, etc. That shouldn't take long as I can count the first section in each row and multiply by the number of sections in the row. They are all the same in each row. Then, I have to eyeball the books author and title and make sure they are in alphabetical order. This will take some time. We do this about once a month as things sure don't stay in the order we put them in for long. The children's room is much worse though. They are always re doing their shelves. Anyway, I work tomorrow and have another day off. Wannabe is arriving in Phoenix but I probably won't get down there until Friday or maybe next Sunday. It's really to far to go down during the week and make it back in time to go to work. Have a good night. My tea mug is empty. dooley Last edited: Sat Apr 05, 2008 4:31 am This blog entry has been viewed 760 times
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I'm glad ya'll found lots at the estate sale.I do love those so much.I am so sleepy tonight and really didn't do much today and nothing outside at all.You have a good night and a great day tomorrow.
I can nearly picture you going up and down those hills, wish I were closer so I could tag along and help you with the carrying once. Sounds like you had a good day!
Yet another busy, busy day for you Dooley but it sounds as though it was a rewarding one. I don't know where all your energy comes from but I'd love to tap into it!!
Sounds like you and DR had a wonderful day. I hit a couple of sales today and a plant sale Thursday. Didn't find much, but had fun.
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