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It's Fall already!
Posted: 08 Oct 2015 Posted: 04 Mar 2015 Posted: 01 Jan 2015 Posted: 30 Dec 2014 Posted: 27 Aug 2014 All Entries |
SaturdaysSaturdays here begin much earlier than the other days of the week. I normally get up around 8 am since I work evenings and get home around 9:30 I tend to stay up later and sleep later. With daylight coming earlier now, I do wake up earlier some days. But, Fridays and Saturdays start at 6:00 am. The buzz of the alarm clock wakes us those days. Fridays are our yard sale days and Saturdays we work. I work at the library from 8 to 3:30 and dr goes to sell at the flea market. So, this morning I woke up to the buzz of the alarm clock. I stumbled out of bed and into the bathroom. After I dressed I went into the kitchen and put the tea kettle on to boil water for tea. I dragged out the bread, cheese and meat for our sandwiches. I pack one insulated bag for me and one for dr. Sandwich, chips(100 calorie paks) a tangerine and bottles of water. Today instead of cooking oatmeal or scrambled eggs dr said we would stop at McDonald's on the way to work. So, I had time to check on the Stew before we left. I took my tea along. I usually take hot tea but today I had iced tea in a travel cup. We stopped at ate and dr delivered me to the library. He went on to the flea market. It wasn't a busy day at the library. I helped check in the morning drop box and did our holds list and shelved books. Then, I took our missing book list and went out into the stacks to look for books that have been missing for more than 3 months. These are books that the computer says are checked in but no one can find them. The list had about 50 to 60 books on it. I found ten of them today. I found more on the adult side than I found on the kids side. Kids take books off the shelf, look at the cover and the pictures and stick them back on the shelf anywhere that is handy, never back where they belong. So missing books are harder to find in the kids side of the library. After lunch, I did the afternoon holds list and helped with the afternoon drop box and shelved books. I started on the trace list. These are books that haven't been gone long enough to be on the missing list but we still can't find them. I only had the front page started when it was time to go home but I did find 3 of the items. dr came to pick me up. He said it was really windy out today and it was still windy because I had trouble getting the truck door to stay open long enough for me to get in. Of course, there wasn't much room for me to get in. dr seems to have brought more home than he took and he still made money. He bought a lot of tools and fishing tackle and tackle boxes from a man who was next to him. The man didn't want to take the stuff home with him. Now, that stack is in the dining room waiting to be sorted and boxed up for him to take back next week. About the first thing I did when I got home was say hello to Chance and chase a cat out of the wood shed for her. She's not allowed out in that part of the yard. I made an apple/raisin coffee cake to take for breakfast in the morning. We are going on a picnic to Lake Pleasant. That's down the hill toward Phoenix. I posted some pictures from there earlier this year. Wannabe is staying in Phoenix with my sister but with me working we only have Sunday's to visit with them. We went into Phoenix last week but this week everyone is going to a picnic at Lake Pleasant. We're all chipping in for Kentucky Fried Chicken and then bringing something for potluck. There will be Wannabe, my sister Maxine and her husband Ed and two of her daughters and their families and dr and I and Dan and Laurel and maybe Laurel's kids. Dan didn't think the kids were going to come but today he said Avery was coming and maybe Tim if he didn't go to his father's house. Now, on Thursday I called the park to see about the covered ramadas. They can't be reserved but are on a first come basis. I asked the man how early you had to be there to get a ramada. He said if we were there by 10 we should be okay. So, I called the sisters in Phoenix. Well, it turns out that they didn't think that anybody could get there that early. They have kids? So, us who live farther away will get up early again and drive down to the lake and camp out at a ramada with picnic tables until someone decides it's time for a picnic. I have to turn my cell phone on so they can call to find out where we found a ramada. So, after making the coffee cake to take along for our breakfast, I made two large pitches of extra strong tea that I can put in an insulated jug with ice for tomorrow. I made a huge bowl of potato salad to pack in ice for lunch. I packed up paper plates, two sizes and plastic eating utensils. I found two pairs of binoculars for bird watching or whatever else we see that we want to watch. I packed the camera. dr packed a metal folding table and a small kids size picnic table and several lawn type chairs, folding variety. I forgot, I wanted to pack some table cloths. I will go and do that in a few minutes. Then, after all this I made supper which consisted of soup from a box that we bought at Trader Joe's. It sets on the pantry shelf until you are ready to heat and serve it. This one was roasted red pepper and tomato. We had a sub sandwich with it. Chance had chicken with her dog food but she would have liked to have shared ours. I still have a few dishes to wash up but that's for later. Now, I have to go do a few other things before it's time for bed. I guess this had better be all for today. Have a nice evening. dooley This blog entry has been viewed 707 times
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You still are the busiest person I know :)I'm so glad I don't have to keep up with you everyday.I would be wore out.
Enjoy your day today, I can't understand where you find your energy! Have you got a secret spring in that garden of yours?
Gosh Dooley after reading what you've done I feel totally tuckered out!!! You do more in one day than I sometimes do in a week!!!!
I'll bet yopu had a great day. Reading your posting this time was almost like reading a little story. It was fun and gave a good idea of howe things are going there.
What energy you have!!! Sounds like a full life . . . I love your blogs . . . you do such interesting things!!!! Login or register to leave a comment. |
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