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It's Fall already!
Posted: 08 Oct 2015 Posted: 04 Mar 2015 Posted: 01 Jan 2015 Posted: 30 Dec 2014 Posted: 27 Aug 2014 All Entries |
Wildfire!We have a wildfire burning near us, but not too near. It's about 8 to 10 miles. Last night it was burning south but the wind changed so it's burning north. The air is full of smoke and ash. It was started by five hikers who got lost and tried to start a signal fire. I guess the succeeded. They were using planes with a slurry on it yesterday because there wasn't men available. There are several fives around Arizona. One is on the Gila Reservation down south of Phoenix. A lot of the firefighters are in California where they have about 1,400 fires burning. Their fires were started by dry lightning. I hope they charge those hikers with starting the fire because there are all kinds of fire restrictions and they ignored them all. It is so dry here that no fires are allowed except in grills in campgrounds. Big city people have no idea of the damage they can cause on a weekend hike. Today, they are using helicopters to carry the slurry. I hope it doesn't spread too far before they can get it under control. There is a slight chance of rain but not much. Less than 10 percent for today. It will be a couple of weeks before conditions are right for the summer rains to start. The good news is the apricots are ready to pick but they will be smoked. LOL They'll sure have to be washed good. dooley This blog entry has been viewed 709 times
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Ouch! I'm so sorry for your fires, stupid campers. I hope they manage to stop them before they burn too much. And fine those people big time!
sorry for the smoke. I'm sure glad it wasn't any closer. We had wildfire north of us this summer and winds carried it miles and miles. Made it miserable for a lot of people not to mention it burned some prime farmland.
WOW! Sorry about that fire.
We just picked the first batch of ripe apricots. Dooley is right now, making them ready for the first batch of jam. Too smokey out there to stay out longer. It is the season of the smoke.
I sure worry about that wind bringing the fire to ya'll.It is not good for ya'll to breath that smoke either. I have a solution for that.Catch that train and come to my home for another visit .That would get you away from the fire and smoke. :) Well I think its a good idea.
Stay safe! Hope you get some rain your way...sending you lots of good rainy thoughts..
Smoked fish tastes great, but I am not so sure about smoked apricots. Silly campers so inconsiderate and uncaring. Login or register to leave a comment. |
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