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It's Fall already!
Posted: 08 Oct 2015 Posted: 04 Mar 2015 Posted: 01 Jan 2015 Posted: 30 Dec 2014 Posted: 27 Aug 2014 All Entries |
I'm so excited!As some of you know, my middle son, Dan, is getting married on August 2nd. They are getting married at the Dugas campground where they go camping with their friends spring and fall. His two brothers are both coming and I haven't seen either of them for a couple of years. And all four of my grandchildren will be coming. The wedding is on Saturday morning. But, on Friday night we are having a birthday party at our house. Jacob will be six tomorrow, the 13th, Ben will be 10 on August 6th, Tom (my oldest son) will be 46 on August 6h and his son Fintin will be a year old on August 13th. Brian's birthday was June 13th. So we decided to have a party for everyone's birthday. We can all celebrate. Brian ordered a brisket from Stubb's BBQ in Austin, Texas and got the brisket and a free package of chopped brisket. He also has hot links and hamburgers for the little boys. Tom's daughter Erin who is 12 is coming, too. I'll make red beans and rice to go with, plus cole slaw and vegetables and dip. I saw at Costco the other day cupcakes in the freezer section and the frosting is ice cream with assorted sprinkles. That's combining cake and ice cream and I bet the kids will like them. There will be 14 or 15 family members present. It will be great on Friday and Saturday both. I have Friday, Saturday and Sunday off from work and we'll have a great time for sure. I just can't wait for the end of the month. I'll be busy until them for sure. I have to get the house all cleaned up and child proofed for Fintin. You would know how much work that will be if you could see how much stuff is crowded into this smallish house. I need to clean the front yards, too. The patio section and the side yard section so the kids can go outside. Chance isn't used to kids and I sort of don't want to let them out the back with her. I don't want to pen her up either. She would love the kids but I don't know how she would act around them. Tim goes and plays with her but he is older and wouldn't pull her ears or hurt her by accident. I'm not sure the others would either but I just don't want to take the chance. I hope it doesn't rain. We are into the rainy season. We've had more than two inches the last week and I think it is raining out again now. I wonder if Dan has made alternate plans for if it's raining. Maybe I'd better buy a raincoat and find my umbrella. dooley This blog entry has been viewed 781 times
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I'm so excited for you Dooley!!! Seeing all your grandchildren together will be so much fun! I bet Chance will do great with the kids. Start baby-proofing takes awhile to get used to all the
Sounds like lots of fun, dooley. No wonder you're excited! It will be so much fun and I just know you'll have a grand time all of you together. Please take lots of photos, and please don't work so hard beforehand that you're unable to enjoy yourself as you should.
You'll have to make sure you get plenty of rest before your get-together Dooley as I have a feeling you're going to need it. I can almost feel your excitement from way over here in Scotland. I'll look forward to all your photographs. Have fun!!
Sounds like it will be a fun party weekend! Have a fun weekend and take tons of pictures to share!
A party and a wedding coming up. How exciting. A family get together is always alot of fun. Don't forget the camera. Will be waiting for those picts. Also try to get some rest before hand so you can enjoy yourself.
I know you are excited. It sounds like a wonderful few days. You have really had a wonderful summer and this will just add to it. Take pics to share. Happy homecoming and wedding!!
I'm so very happy you will get to be with so many you love.I know how excited you must be to finally see Fintin
I'm so glad for you Dooley - I know how much you look forward to this as I have 10 grandchildren and only see them as we can. Enjoy that delicious sounding BBQ and all that company.
That's a family reunion for you Dooley. The only one missing is Brian's Mom. Take lots of pictures because I bet Jacob and Ben have grown a lot since I last saw them. Wannabe
That sounds so wonderful Dooley!!! Be sure to take lots and lots of pictures to remember everything by!
Gosh, I never thought about having our own family reunion. Guess we will be though. We don't all get together too often. dooley
Lovely - A wedding - a family reunion. - Congratulations for you son on his wedding. Login or register to leave a comment. |
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