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It's Fall already!
Posted: 08 Oct 2015 Posted: 04 Mar 2015 Posted: 01 Jan 2015 Posted: 30 Dec 2014 Posted: 27 Aug 2014 All Entries |
The Joys of MovingThe joys of moving? Are there any? We've been busy for what seems weeks now sorting and boxing and tossing. This morning was trash morning so we went through cupboards and shelves tossing unwanted items. I took all the spice jars off the shelf and went through them. Toss the older ones, kept the jars. We buy our spices from a bulk place where we bought spices when we lived in Wisconsin. They sell over the internet now. We buy small amounts to suit us. I'll make a list to reorder when we get moved. Then, I went through the pantry closet and tossed odds and ends and bits of stuff not used in a while. Some bulk cereal not finished last spring, some flour not used but not enough to make anything with it. I still have a bit of that to do. We cleaned out the laundry room. Ugh! Cobwebs gathered on the back of shelves not cleaned lately. I used to do a lot more around here before I started working. One would think that working only 20 hrs a week and those in the evening that I would be able to keep doing most of the things during the day. Last night we went to Dan and Laurel's for dinner. It was a combined dinner for both of their birthdays this month. Dan baked two loaves of bread. It was great. One was Country French in a large oval shape. The other was dill bread in the tradition rectangle shape. I thought about it and I haven't made bread from scratch since I went back to work. I make quick breads and coffeecake and cookies but not the kind of breads that require kneading and rising and time. Friday we sorted out closets. Why keep things that we don't wear anymore or that don't fit anymore? Was I hoping that I might lose weight again? Off to the thrift shop with those things. Book shelves? I've pared down six large boxes of cookbooks to two boxes. That is probably one box too many as I seldom use a cookbook anyway. After 60 years of cooking who needs a book. You need two cups of flour, half a cup of sugar, a tablespoon of baking powder and half a cup of shortening of some sort and two eggs and enough milk to make a batter. Add apples chunked up, a handful of raisins and you have a coffeecake. You can vary it with fruit or spices but you don't need a cookbook to make it. Oh, you have to add a bit of salt to help it rise. The people at work wonder how I make coffeecake for work on Saturday morning. But, it takes only about five minutes to mix it all up and it bakes while supper is cooking. Sometimes a drizzle of frosting or a sprinkle of sugar goes on the top. Well, anyway we've been busy cleaning things out. We've gathered so much and some of it is sentimental. How can you toss something that you have carried around the country for 40 or 50 years? Do we need it? Probably not but sometimes you just have to keep it anyway. dr says he's planning on shipping everything UPS, even the dog. LOL We haven't decided just how we will get it there but it will work out someway, somehow and come December we will be busy putting things away and wondering just what in the world we are going to do with such a big house. But, take my word for it, we will fill it up in a short time and wonder where we will find room for anything more. dooley This blog entry has been viewed 559 times
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Busy busy busy.The good thing is .You have big rooms for Teddy Bears,and all kinds of collectables Yippee.I just can't wait until you get here.Seems like time is creeping along.Ya'll will get it here but ship Chance by UPS.Poor little girl .Shame on him.:)
Yup, you'll need to hit garage sales for sure! I love your "recipe"! I've lived in the same place over 17 years, and it's not far from where I grew up, so I love hearing about people's adventures to new places!
There is at least ONE joy of moving--getting where you're going. heh heh heh, but as for the rest...wellllllll :-(
Remember to label your boxes.It is frustrating to open a box of kitchen utensils in the bedroom. I don't envy the pack up but you can your time with the unpack. Wannabe
Sounds like you've got everything well in hand,dooley. Keep up the good work. This is so exciting! Login or register to leave a comment. |
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