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It's Fall already!
Posted: 08 Oct 2015 Posted: 04 Mar 2015 Posted: 01 Jan 2015 Posted: 30 Dec 2014 Posted: 27 Aug 2014 All Entries |
Wishful thinking?Wishful thinking? Oh, to be one of those people who just picks up the phone and a moving company comes and packs everything, even the dirty dishes and trash, and moves it where ever you tell them. Today, we moved most everything out of the shed up by the back door. Then, we started moving things we know we want to keep into the shed. Then in the space we cleaned in the house we started stacking things we want to sell at a yard/moving/estate sale in November. It's a good thing we had to stop so I could shower and get ready for work or we'd probably still be at it. I'm happy the weather is clear for a few days because the backyard between the house and the shed is such a mess. That stuff has to be sorted and boxed either for the sale or for dr to take to the flea market. The saying, "it'll get worse before it gets better" applies to moving I guess. I may never go to another yard sale myself. How did we ever wind up with so much stuff that we just don't need to pack around. I found my box of mom's stuff that I'll move. It's smaller than it used to be because I gave some of the stuff to the boys as they got married and had families of their own. It used to have little sweaters and bonnets and baby shoes and momentos of early life of the kids. School papers and pictures and other assorted memories that mothers treasure but fathers say, "Are you keeping this junk?" Anyway there is a never ending amount of stuff still to be done because I'm not one of those people who can afford to pick up the phone and call in the movers. dooley This blog entry has been viewed 534 times
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Dooley, I know it is a BIG job. But hacking away a little each day will get it whittled down. By the time you reach TEXAS you will be so glad to get here and settled that you won't remember all the hard work it took. Wish I could come to your yard sale!! Good luck with your sorting, selling, packing and moving. It will be so nice to have you an official Texan.
I think you've done very well so far, and I can imagine it seems like a very big task when you're in the middle of it.
It sounds like you've done a great job so far, Dooley. Keep being strong, you'll gte through it.
I know you two have been working and going through building since late June .Its coming together little by little.Texas is in site now.I wish I could help you .
Just keep thinking what's at the end of this and it will go faster, Dooley. Good luck!
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