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It's Fall already!
Posted: 08 Oct 2015 Posted: 04 Mar 2015 Posted: 01 Jan 2015 Posted: 30 Dec 2014 Posted: 27 Aug 2014 All Entries |
I Missed Christmas here!I think I missed most of the Christmas posts here. I think we missed most of Christmas anyway. We did put up decorations and bought a tree and put it up but it didn't seem very Christmasy. We didn't do a lot of shopping but Cheyenne and Glenda did come one day to make cookies. Cheyenne came back to make her gingerbread but wasn't feeling well and went away again. I finished them and some more. I took them to Glenda's for Christmas and left them so I wouldn't eat too many. We went to Glenda's for Christmas but I wasn't feeling on top of things. I might have caught whatever Cheyenne was having because I had a headache and my glucose level wasn't exactly what it should have been. It's okay now so I may have just been over doing things. It wouldn't have been too hard. We have been all over here and there lately, trying to get things put away and looking for things to replace some of what we didn't bring. I kept saying we don't need to move this, we can buy another one in Texas. Sure we can, but it's finding time and the opportunity to do it. We went to a few yard sales since we got here. We found a bed (we only brought the spring and mattress) for five dollars, we found a computer desk. Quite a nice one for five dollars. We bought some shelves well they are going to be shelves as soon as we get some shelves for them. I think they were originally entertainment centers, small ones. We bought some storage shelves for the one small room we are using for storage. We had a gift card for those. They are working quite well. Today, we bought a set of dishes at the thrift shop. It's a service for eight and was five dollars. We bought Glenda a coffee table. Her's kept losing a leg and dr knocked it down the other day. We didn't go looking for one but when we stopped at the thrift shop there was one there and dr said it had Glenda's name on it. It needs a bit of scratch polish on the top but it isn't bad at all. I hope it doesn't take up too much room. It is larger than her old one. We went and got library cards today. This library isn't as large as the one where I worked, but it will do quite nicely. I looked on the internet today and located a used bookstore in Huntsville. Well, I know the address. I just have to ask Glenda for directions to that address. Some days we just haul her along when we want to go some where and some days we just get into the truck and find our way. We have always been able to find our way home, so far anyway. On Friday, after Christmas, my brother called. He was in Houston. He was on his way to Fort Worth to pick up a load and then was heading to Mississippi. He had a bit of time since he didn't need to be in Fort Worth until 6 pm and it was just after 11 am. So, we got into our truck and headed off to Huntsville to a truck stop. We knew where it was as it's just across from where we get off to go to Home Depot. So, we had lunch with him. He is two years younger than me. We hadn't seen him for a couple of years.. He retired last year but got bored so went back to driving trucks. I think maybe it would be just as boring driving a truck back and forth every where. He says he gets to Houston quite a bit so I think we will be meeting him for lunch or just coffee sometimes. If he's on a deadline he'll just holler out when he goes down I-45 just down the road from here. I guess being a couple of miles from the interstate has it's plus. We are liking it here quite a lot and Chance is getting used to being here. She barks at the goat but just stares at the horses. They get close to the fence and stare back at her. Glenda says there are armadillo's here and maybe that is what she was barking at one night. I couldn't see anything but they make little holes in the yard and there are a few of those. dr says he wants to see one so we have to stay up later than 10:30 some night and prop our eyelids with toothpicks. Too bad they are night owls like Glenda. She is usually going to bed when we are thinking of getting up. Our schedules sure aren't the same but we still find time to get together some days. We are visiting most every day except when they were all sick and then we stayed home so we wouldn't get anything. Anyway I might have missed a lot of Christmas on here but now I'm ready for the new year coming. dooley This blog entry has been viewed 588 times
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dooley, you shouldn't need to stay up that late to see the armadillos. They usually start roaming just after dark.
Sounds like you found some good yard sales and thrift shop. Those are great prices you paid for things. Glad you are getting settled in. As far as going off on your own to unchartered territory... I always told my kids, 'we won't be lost as long as we have a full tank of gas'. That's what I had to do when I moved to Lufkin... just start driving!
It's great to be able to read a blog entry from you again Dooley.
These two has more energy in there litle finger than my whole body. I had a beautiful coffee table and it was the most aggrevating table.Its legs curved up and everytime I walk by or any one else it was right there to trip you.It was tripped on one to many times and where it was braised at on one of the legs came loose and I would prop it up with the leg and hope for the best .Well it is now in the storage shed and my really big one is in my living room.I do like my new one very much.Yes it was a good surprise.I was afraid the other one was going to get someone or me hurt .Thanks again.
Sounds like you're making yourselves at home, all three of you. I'm so glad! Please remember to not head in the wrong direction after one of your outings, Dooley, you might end up where you used to live before. *lol*
Well, it's a completely New Year and it sounds as if you're making it home. All will become familiar in time and don't worry, those Armadillos will make themselves known. You can send photos. Enjoy the new year, Dooley
It's good to catch up on you! It sounds like you have already scoped out the good thrift stores and garage sales areas, that'll get you ahead of the game.
Dr and Chance finally saw the Armadillo but it was moving pretty fast and dooley hasn't seen it yet. Login or register to leave a comment. |
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