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It's Fall already!
Posted: 08 Oct 2015 Posted: 04 Mar 2015 Posted: 01 Jan 2015 Posted: 30 Dec 2014 Posted: 27 Aug 2014 All Entries |
Rain and other thingsAll last year Glenda and Toni told us there was a drought in Texas and they never had enough or any rain. So, we moved to Texas and what happens! It rains! There have been more cloudy or rainy days than sunny ones. Poor Chance gets so depressed when it rains. She hates getting wet but how can she go out and check things if she doesn't get wet. Monday it was raining buckets off and on all day. During a lull in the rain dr let her outside. I walked past the door a bit later and there was Chance looking in the door. She was so wet and bedraggled. I had to get a towel and dry her off. She didn't want out anymore the rest of the day. Yesterday, we had some errands to do. It was cloudy but not raining much but we left her inside when we went to do the errands. Of course, while we were gone the rain quit and the sun came out and poor Chance could only look at it from inside. She was in such a hurry to get outside when we got home. She really enjoyed her day in the sun today. She didn't want to come in at all. I went outside this afternoon. It was so nice I started pulling grass out of the rose bushes. I dug some around them. Tomorrow I will rake up the grass and weeds and the pieces of dead wood that I cut off of them. dr says I can compost the grassy stuff. Then, I want to get some mulch and put around them. I think it's still a bit early to leave nothing there. I might "borrow" some of the stray bits of dry hay that the horses have spread around their pasture. I can reach some without going over the fence but dr says wood chips will work better. I can borrow the hay until I get some wood chips if it turns colder again though. I cut some broken branches off of a couple bushy trees. I think they are trees but they are fairly bushy so I'm not sure. Glenda says they are Althea? There is a daffodil or narcissus getting ready to bloom so I will keep an eye on it for a picture. I posted in the good morning thread that we were going to get our truck inspected today so we could get our Texas license plates. How can you be a resident of Texas with Arizona plates on your truck? We got our Texas insurance and that was a start and so we got up this morning and went to the dealership. We were going to have a general three thousand mile checkup and get the inspection. We had the three thousand mile checkup but not the inspection. We have to go back tomorrow for it because while the truck was sitting there waiting to get taken in for the inspection and checkup a person backed their big truck into our little truck and broke a tail light. You can't pass a safety inspection with a broken tail light. The dealership didn't have one in stock but they were going to get one today and they will install it and do the inspection tomorrow. The man who backed into us was very upset about it and he payed for replacing it. There was no other damage and accidents do happen. Then, we stopped and bought a Madisonville newspaper and discovered that they closed the place to get our driver's license changed. The computers were old and needed updated. So, now we have to go to Huntsville, Centerville or Bryan to get that done. We can't get it done anyway until we get the Texas plates on the truck. Ho Hum! Welcome to Texas, everyone keeps telling us that. They do seem to be so friendly and helpful here. I think we will stay awhile. dooley This blog entry has been viewed 468 times
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You are getting a lot of rain. Poor Chance is used to sunny warm weather and can't figure out all the rain. Does she have a shelter to get in if it rains and you aren't home?. Wannabe
Your part of Texas is nice and wet but my part is still in drought conditions, heading to severe. I will gladly take some of the rain away from you.
Dooley is a rain magnet! We'll ship you around the world to draught-stricken locations, dooley, and see what happens. Good luck with getting your Texas papers sorted, it sounds like a bit of work there.
What a tale, Dooley.
I think it's time you visit Montana...there hasn't been a day without snow since around Christmas! It gets warm enough to melt, then turns to ice..makes for terrible driving.
You was haveing lots of rain in Az.too maybe it followed you.
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