Garden work
Yard work! | Posted:
Thu Jan 12, 2006 4:18 am
It was nice yesterday so I spent some time clearing out my garden area. Chance loved it as I don't usually let her in that area of the yard. I collected about two large black bags of debris. I couldn't put it in the compost though. It was full of rock and walnuts that aren't good to eat. Some of the thick stems I'll cut up and put with the mulch stuff, maybe. I will start digging now. I have to decide how I want to plant it so I can decide where my soaker hoses will go. With the water shortage there will be restrictions so I need the water to go where it will be needed and not all over the ground. I may need to buy some more soaker hose. We had some last year and I bought some at the flea market in the fall. I will need some for the herb garden too. I hope it will bend around the plants.
Tomorrow if it is still nice and no rain is predicted so I will work in the little front yard. It isn't very big. We graveled a portion of it last year. But the mulberry tree dropped the rest of its leaves so I want to get them out of the area where I planted the bulbs. Some of the bulbs are early bloomers and they need the sunlight more than they need the warmth? I hope that's right. Well, last year the tulips came up through the leaves. maybe I will just move some of them. There is never an end of things to do outside. I notice that the iris beds that I cleaned last fall have a few brown leaves so I can take them away. I need to do the compost pile. I don't have a bin. I have a wire bin.
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