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It's Fall already!
Posted: 08 Oct 2015 Posted: 04 Mar 2015 Posted: 01 Jan 2015 Posted: 30 Dec 2014 Posted: 27 Aug 2014 All Entries |
It's raining, it's pouringI remember chanting that when I was younger. "It's raining, it's pouring, the old man is snoring, he bumped his head on the end of the bed and didn't get up until morning." There must be a lot of sayings about rain, like "rain, rain, go away, come again another day." Anyway it started raining here in the night on Tuesday and it's still raining. It's rained steady and fairly hard at times. We've even had some thunder with it at times. I haven't seen lightening though. It's quit sinking into the ground and is making puddles in all the low parts of the ground. Chance has to be pushed out the door a couple of times a day and if I don't go out with her she stands on the deck and shivers and won't go down in the yard unless I go out with her. She beats me back to the door when she's finished. Oreo has been going right out but she runs a couple of circles around Glenda's car to check that she's not in it and then does her business and heads back to the door. Both dogs need a good drying when they get inside. Along with the rain is some cool temperatures and we sure don't want them wet and cold for too long. Everyone is saying "Isn't this a nice rain. We really need it." I could cheerfully do without it but I guess the grass, trees and plants need it and the ground needs it and well, I guess someone needs it. But, couldn't we just have a little each day or just have it one day a week or .... All day and all night for three days and more is a bit much! It does make good weather for making soup. Today I made 13 bean soup. That's 13 different kinds of beans, not just 13 beans. I bought a bag of mixed beans at the store yesterday. I bought several bags of beans of different varieties. Tomorrow, I think I will make chicken soup with home made noodles. I hope it stops raining by Sunday but the forecast says it won't stop until Monday. So, maybe vegetable beef soup on Sunday. But, when you make soup you also have to make fresh bread. Today, we had white bread that I had made two days ago. We finished it off. I'm thinking that tomorrow I will make whole wheat bread. I'm making more of my own bread these days since I'm home and not working. I think I am eating more of it, too. I'll never lose any weight at this rate. Goodness, Chance and dr have both gone to bed. Maybe they are hoping the rain will disappear during the night. It won't. It's going to rain forever and ever. dooley This blog entry has been viewed 717 times
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When it quits raining it will probably be hot and humid and you will get big mosquitos. Wannabe
We have been under a burn ban so long .I'm always glad to see it rain this time of year because when it stops it stop in Texas.In August and September the grass is so dry it crackles under your feet and burn ban is usually back on.Like dooley it could rain a 1/2 inch every 2 days and it would be fine.
We have had so much snow, I am ready for the rain. Mixed up weather. The last little snow is on the north side of my hedge. I am sure the rain will be here soon and the dogs will have to be pushed out the door, and just like yours dooley will stand their shivering until we come out with them and they will run us over trying to get inside. ;)
We have rain too but not too much. However, we do have gale force winds that I'd rather do without. Hope the rain stops soon for you Dooley and that you, and the dogs, can get outdoors again.
You answered something I was just wondering about. If everybody has to dry off dogs all the time. It's been raining here for days also and I get tired of wet dirty "dog towels" hanging from the dining room chair closest to the door. Hope we all dry out soon.
It is raining here too! The tale about the doggies is funny. I can just imagine Chance beating you back to the door, and Oreo circling Glenda's car. Soup sounds wonderful. You have inspired me to have the same thing this weekend. I have a fire going, and am staying in today. Love your blog.
Hi SongofJoy.I
Soup and home made bread too hmmmmm - I wish I was there too.
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