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It's Fall already!
Posted: 08 Oct 2015 Posted: 04 Mar 2015 Posted: 01 Jan 2015 Posted: 30 Dec 2014 Posted: 27 Aug 2014 All Entries |
Busy, Busy!The forecast is for rain starting tomorrow and lasting through Saturday. Scattered thundershowers, Isolated thundershowers, Stray thundershowers, and just plain thundershowers. I wonder how many ways there are to say it's going to rain and maybe there will be thunder with it. But there were some things started that needed to be finished before the rains come. I had pulled the grass and weeds from the ends of the porch and dug the dirt and put the tile into place so I need to finish the beds. I hauled compost and filled the beds. I planted pole beans on one end and cucumbers on the other end. The end with the cucumbers was a little wider so I added a row of swiss chard. Then, I dug out the little bed between the rose bushes. I had dug it out when I was pulling weeds out of the rose bushes but it seemed too early to plant anything so I just left it except for some compost. The henbit was trying to reclaim it. I pulled the weeds and dug it up and raked it out and put tiles around it. I planted a mix of annual flowers in it. It's about two by four feet. I planted another tub of greens and put a row of radishes in it. The lettuce and spinach has been going at a speedy rate. I went over and watered some of the pots of plants at Glenda's. I know it's supposed to rain tomorrow but the dirt was looking dry and who knows where the rain will fall. Sometimes here and sometimes there and sometimes not at all. I went and got the camera and took some pictures. I knew Glenda would like to see the tulips, all two of them. I hope more will come. There are a lot of yellow wildflowers but they didn't show up well in the pictures. dr wanted to go to town to look for a caulking gun and some caulk to finish the door project. There was a little storage area at the end of the porch but it didn't have a door so we didn't like leaving too much in it. Now, it has a door and I don't have to bring my tools inside every time. We went to WalMart and got the caulk and he bought a hammer. The one we had disappeared, never to be found anywhere. That is until we stop looking for it. It will be right where it should be or close to it. We stopped at the thrift shop but didn't buy anything. We had a hamburger and came home. I made red beans for supper with assorted vegetables and had the left whole wheat bread. Now, tomorrow I think I will make some oatmeal bread which is what I was going to make when I made whole wheat bread. I think I accomplished what I needed to do today. I don't know what I will do tomorrow if it doesn't start to rain. I guess we will need to go to the library since I have finished my books and the one dr wanted me to read, too. I have another bear project I want to start and that will be something to do when it is rainy outside. dooley This blog entry has been viewed 559 times
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Ooooooo!! Sounds like a busy weekend for you.
You two have been busy as little beavers.
Dooley I don't know how you do it all! Busy as little beavers is right.
Congratulations on all your forecast rain. Enjoy it while it's there, and please post photos of what you did before the rain came. *lol*
Dooley you always manage to get so much done!! Glenda wil be really pleased with the photographs you took - especially those tulips.
Wow! Inspiring! No moss, or should I say mache or creeping thyme grows under YOUR feet!!!
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