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It's Fall already!
Posted: 08 Oct 2015 Posted: 04 Mar 2015 Posted: 01 Jan 2015 Posted: 30 Dec 2014 Posted: 27 Aug 2014 All Entries |
Not My Favorite Week!Despite being in the 70's all week and no rain, it wasn't my favorite week at all. Monday was nice and sunny and warm and I went out and sat on the porch. I've been having some problems with an earache and the warmth made it feel better. I let Chance out on the porch with me. She was enjoying the sunshine, too. Another dog went past on the road and Chance thought she should bark at it. I told her "no bark." She didn't listen so I told she had to go back into the house and started after her to shoo her inside. She doubled back right in front of me and I tripped over her and fell flat on my face on the concrete porch. I think my nose tried to move to the back of my head and I'm sure if I look closely I'll find a dent in the concrete. I was afraid to get up and see what was broken. My nose was bleeding all over the place. I yelled and dr came to see what all the yelling and barking was about. He got cold compresses for my nose and helped me up. I got lucky or blessed because nothing was broken, not even my nose. It had a small scrape where my glasses pushed into it. My fingers on one hand were bruised where I tried to grab the porch post to keep from falling. But, no major damage. I was a bit shaky the rest of the day. The next day I didn't let Chance out with me. She was out on the back deck. Wednesday we went and did some major grocery shopping. Thursday, I broke down and called the doctor's office to see if I could get in anytime soon to get my ear looked at. Wouldn't you just know they could fit me in on Friday morning. I just love going to the doctor. We got up early Friday morning and went down to College Station to the doctor. We got there at 8:30. I waited until 9 to get in to see the doctor. That happens when they fit you in among other appointments. The doctor looked into my ear and said, "It's full of crud." He called and got me into see the ear doctor. The ear doctor was around the back of the building and across the street. I got lots of directions for getting there and though I had no idea where it was, I found it easy enough. After filling out tons of paperwork and getting my picture taken for their records I got in to see the doctor in less time than the family doctor. The ear doctor looked into my ear and said, "It's full of crud." He pulled out the trusty little vacuum cleaner and vacuumed my ear. It sounded just like a vacuum cleaner, too. Then, he looked again and I have an ear infection. Well, I knew that already. He put little sponges into my ear and squirted some ear drops in it and told me to come back in a week to get them taken out and let him check the ear again. Coming home we stopped to pick up the prescription for ear drops. We didn't pick it up. They wanted a hundred and thirty dollars for it. I didn't even put my hands on the bag to find out what it was. I just told her I didn't have a hundred and thirty dollars for ear drops, we needed to eat this week, too. So, the pharmacist faxed the doctor to see if there was something cheaper. It took all afternoon and finally we got some for closer to thirty dollars. So, we get to eat this week, too. We would have anyway because we did the shopping on Wednesday. After having put the drops in three times now and what the doctor put in, my ear has stopped hurting. But, I will finish the drops and go back on Friday to get the sponges taken out. It was a beautiful day on Friday, 76 degs and sunny. Today it was 72 degs and cloudy but it hasn't rained on us. Tomorrow starts another week with sunshine and 68 degrees. It's bound to be a better week than this one. dooley This blog entry has been viewed 515 times
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Oh Dooley, first of all, I am glad that you are OK and that your ear is feeling better now, but all that you went through beforehand sounds perfectly miserable and I'm sorry you went through it. Sending you wishes for continued recovery... I wonder if your ear infection affected your balance a little bit and made you more prone to the fall? Regardless, I'm just glad you didn't get hurt. I can't believe the doc prescribed a $130 med when a $30 one was available... how ridiculous. Take good care now, OK?
Gosh Dooley you were lucky that you didn't break your glasses when you fell - or your nose!!
dooley, I am glad you are ok. I know you must be feeling better since the ear doesn't hurt as much. I agree about the price of the drops, it is getting to where I tell the dr. not to write me anything if it is expensive, even with insurance I just can't do expensive.
Dooley you did have a bad week. I am so glad you are feeling better and that you didn't break something when you fell. I know that doctors must be getting part of that $130.00 meds, in the form of a kick-back from the pharmaceutical companies. Something over the counter might have worked, but you had been suffering long enough. Let us know how you are getting along, OK.
I saw you that evening after your fall.You was still working on some sorting of material.Ita a miracle you didn't really get hurt bad.You were having an ear ache then.I'm glad its easy some now.Next week has to be better.
Glad you are hanging in there and fiesty enough to demand a more reasonably priced ear drop. At that price the doctor should have found some samples for you. My Kota is bad about almost tripping me. I am always afraid that she will catch me just right and I will end up on the ground too. Hope you are better soon.
Thanks for the good wishes. I always worry about falling because of my age. I know older people do break things by falling. Bones are older and more brittle. I think that's why I yelled for dr instead of trying to get up. dooley
Sorry you had such bad week. I hope this week is much better and that the rain has ceased in CA.
Sorry about your aching ear, that is not fun at all! Can you believe the prices for medicine? Its criminal... But you should be happy that it is so warm. I would love 70s!! Its just been so cold and miserable here... Login or register to leave a comment. |
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